CEER Position Paper on Renewable Self-Generation
Ref. C16-SDE-55-03, 16 September 2016

With increasing amounts of small-scale electricity generation (and partial storage) connected at distribution level (particularly rooftop solar and wind), self-generation has the potential to have a significant impact on Europe’s future energy system, the realisation of Europe’s renewable energy targets and the empowerment of consumers. CEER draws attention to the fact that, in order to capture the full value of self-generation for all consumers, whether self-generating or not, the wider market and network regulation framework need to be analysed (in terms of network and market development, price sensitivity, flexibility, tariff structure, etc.).

CEER Position Paper on Principles for Valuation of Flexibility
Ref. C16-FTF-09-03, 12 July 2016

This paper seeks to support discussions on CEER’s input to the Energy Union (Winter Package). It is intended to serve as a position paper stating the principles for further valuation of flexibility in the European electricity market.

Joint ACER-CEER response to the European Commission’s interim report of the Sector Inquiry on Capacity Mechanisms
6 July 2016

This note contains the feedback of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators and of CEER to the European Commission’s interim report on the findings of the sector inquiry on capacity mechanisms.

CEER Report on Treatment of Interconnectors and Neighbouring Resources in Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms
Ref. C15-ESS-06-03, 7 June 2016

The purpose of this report is to assess and identify ways for interconnectors and foreign capacity providers to explicitly and efficiently participate in existing and future CRMs and ensure the provision of proper long-term investment signals that do not distort the Internal Energy Market.

Citizen's Q&A

CEER Discussion paper on scoping of flexible response
Ref. C16-FTF-08-04, 3 May 2016

This short paper focuses on flexibility issue. It is intended to serve as a working paper dealing with the current status for flexible response in the European electricity market. The report especially aims to highlight challenges for the integration of Demand Side Flexibility (DSF).

Citizen's Q&A

CEER response to the European Commissions consultation on a new Renewable Energy Directive
Ref. C16-SDE-51-03, 02 February 2016

This document contains the feedback of the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) to the European Commission’s Public Consultation on a new Renewable Energy Directive (RED) for the period after 2020.

CEER Key support elements of RES in Europe: moving towards market integration
Ref. C15-SDE-49-03, 26 January 2016

This document (C15-SDE-49-02) presents a detailed analysis of the key aspects of operational support schemes for renewable energy sources across the European Union and explains the developments expected in the years to come. It explores the different procedures for determining levels of RES support, both administrative and competitive, and sets out alternative mechanisms to enhance the market integration of RES.

Citizens' Q&A