July/August 2015

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  Issue: July/August 2015

  Feature | Public Consultations & Events | Publications | International | Training



Like many in Europe’s energy sector, we regulators welcome the Retail Market and Energy Market Design elements of the European Commission’s “Summer Package” (see our 2 Press Releases and CEER Statement). Moreover, as champions of competitive markets working to the benefit of customers, CEER’s customer-centric work contributes directly to delivering the Commission’s promised “New Deal” (see our feature article below). A case in hand is CEER’s new Conclusions Paper on the Future Role of Distribution System Operators (DSOs) which sets a framework for regulators in considering the activities DSOs should or should not engage in.

CEER also published 2 new gas papers. Our concept paper on gas security of supply identifies possible measures to prevent gas supply crises. We have also published a report monitoring the implementation of 2 important voluntary initiatives –
CEER's  gas storage guidelines and GSE's transparency template.

Save the dates! ACER-CEER Bridge to 2025 Anniversary event (24 September) and the CEER 2015 Customer Conference (20 October).

Our next Newsletter comes out in September. Happy holidays!

Feature: How regulators help deliver the “New Deal” for energy consumers

The European Commission’s Retail Market Communication (published 15 July as part of its “Summer Package”) sets out a 3-pillar strategy to deliver a “new deal for energy consumers”: consumer empowerment; smart homes and networks; and data management and protection. In it the Commission acknowledges CEER work (e.g. on switching) and proposes to work with regulators on:
• Clearer bills and advertising
• Price comparisons
• DSOs

CEER – Champion of Energy Consumers
We very much agree with the Commission that a “New Deal” for consumers means putting consumers centre-stage of a thriving and functioning energy system. Indeed such a customer-focus was the “raison d’être” of our 2020 Vision for Europe’s energy customers. It is also why CEER continues to advocate for the Vision’s RASPE principles (Reliability, Affordability, Simplicity, Protection and Empowerment) to be embedded throughout the energy value chain.

Developing a fit-for-purpose market design that puts consumers at its core
CEER further believe that a “New Deal” means developing a fit-for-purpose design for the market itself at both wholesale and retail levels, which allows the regulatory framework and market rules to adapt to future developments. By way of example, our new DSO paper examines the changing role of DSOs. In it, we recommend a forward-looking framework to determine what DSOs should and should not do in our belief that DSO should be neutral market facilitators.

CEER’s work helps to deliver the New Deal  - be it our work on flexibility, price comparison tools, supplier switching or our future paper on well-functioning retail markets. For concrete examples see the CEER Statement on Delivering a New Deal for Energy Consumers.  Help us shape next year’s priorities by responding (before 31 July) to our consultation on CEER’s draft 2016 Work Programme.

Public Consultations & Events

Visit our website to be updated on our future consultations and events.


•    The Future Role of Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
•    CEER report monitoring implementation of the gas storage guidelines and transparency template
•    Security of Supply – A CEER Concept Paper

Press Releases:
•    CEER calls for a fit-for purpose market design to deliver the “New Deal” for Europe’s energy consumers (15 July 2015)
•    CEER Statement on Delivering a New Deal for Energy Consumers
•    Energy Regulators (ACER/CEER) welcome the market-based solutions and cross-border focus of the European Commission’s energy market design


Call for Articles and for Women in Energy stories for the ICER Chronicle. Submissions welcome from regulators and non-regulators alike. Deadline extended: 7 September.


Training for regulators

Register now for our Legal training course on network codes and cross-border decisions (8-9 October)


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