May 2017

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CEER-ACER have released the first papers in a series of Regulatory White Papers on Clean Energy (see the Feature article below).

Coming up: Sustainable Energy Week (19-25 June), the CEER Annual Conference (19 September) and CEER’s cyber security training course for regulators (12 June).

Check out the international section below for CEER’s recent roundtables with US and Latin American regulators.

Don’t miss the 16 June deadline to submit your Women in Energy stories and articles for the ICER Chronicle.

The first 3 European Energy Regulatory White Papers on Clean Energy in a nutshell

The European Energy Regulators Overview Paper (23/01/17) broadly welcomed the Clean Energy package.  Our new series of Regulatory White Papers (some ACER-CEER papers, others CEER only) on wholesale, network and consumer issues aims to deepen understanding of the legislative proposals. Here’s the 3 key messages of the first 3 Regulatory White Papers.

Renewables Paper
The cheapest plants should run, irrespective of technology, to minimise consumers’ bills.
Remove priority dispatch for existing (as well as new) RES plants
• Run lowest cost generation for consumers

Market approach for RES re-dispatch
• Remove mandatory floor of 90% compensation for RES curtailment

Avoid net metering and ensure fair cost allocation
• Ensure prosumers pay their fair share of network and system costs.

The Role of Distributed System Operators (DSOs)
Regulators welcome the proposals on DSOs but see scope for improvement:
DSOs should be neutral market facilitators including in procuring and accessing flexibility

• Further clarify prohibition on DSO ownership/operation of storage and electric vehicles

Better network planning and coordination
• TSOs/DSOs to consult and take responsibility for network plans

Regulatory discretion is better than exemption for plans of small DSOs
• Require the new EU DSO entity and ENTSO-E to coordinate

CEER Network Tariffs Paper
CEER welcomes the Clean Energy proposals requiring network tariffs that are cost reflective and give appropriate incentives but calls for a flexible approach at European level to network tariffs :
No need for an EU-wide Tariffs Network Code
• Local circumstances better accounted for by avoiding “one-size-fits-all”

No mandatory approach for regulatory incentives on DSOs
• Regulatory discretion is better

Have a clear distinction between incentives for DSOs and network users
• One is incentives for DSOs through allowed revenues, the other to incentivise behaviour for users.

Next White Papers coming soon on flexibility, wholesale market and consumer empowerment issues.

Public Consultations and Events

Visit our website for our future consultations and events.
- Incentives Schemes for regulating DSOs (deadline: 12/05/2017)
- Flexibility use at distribution level (deadline: 25/05/2017)


- CEER Status Review of Renewable Support Schemes in Europe  
- CEER Press Release


- New series of European Energy Regulatory White Papers:


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