10th EU-US Energy Regulators Roundtable
The Hague, 8-9 April 2013

Closing statement


List of participants

Political Outlook
NARUC, Philip Jones

Cyber security and the Actions Regulators Need to Take
NARUC, Philip Jones

Horizon Issues
CEER, Lord Mogg

Developments in Europe: Energy Infrastructure Package and Network Code Developments
ACER, Alberto Pototschnig

Security of Supply: National Challenges Requiring Regional Solutions
NARUC, David Boyd

Security of supply: National challenges requiring regional solutions (RI and capacity market developments)
CEER, Tomás Gómez

The Shale Gas Revolution in the U.S.: Changes in the Industry
NARUC, Colette Honorable

Developments in the US (Order 1000)
FERC, Philip Moeller

The role and challenges for ACER under REMIT
ACER, Alberto Pototschnig

Wholesale Energy Market Monitoring in Practice – REMIT role and challenges for NRAs
CEER, José Braz

FERC's Enforcement Activities
FERC, Philip Moeller

RIIO Incentive Framework
CEER, Hannah Nixon

Unbundling models in the EU and certification of TSOs in Germany
CEER, Annegret Groebel

Unbundling of Network Operators: U.S. Network Industry Structure
NARUC, Philip Jones

Incentivization of Infrastructure Operators—Smart Grid Investments: Regulatory Treatment
NARUC, John Betkoski

Consumer Protection and Empowerment
NARUC, David Coen

A CEER consumer strategy: Contributing to a 2020 Vision for Europe’s energy customers
CEER, Tomás Gómez