Transposition of Consumer Rights Monitoring Report
Ref. E08-CPR-20-03, 13 October 2008

Upon a request from the European Commission, European Energy Regulators have conducted a monitoring exercise of the transposition of European Union (EU) energy consumer rights provisions as set out in EU energy legislation. Article 3 and especially Annex A of the EU's Electricity (2003/54/EC) and Gas Directives (2003/55/EC) address the core aspects of consumer issues within the liberalisation framework. This paper provides an overview of the level of customer protection and information in Member States in light of liberalised energy markets.

Status Review Supplier Switching Process Electricity and Gas markets- Five case studies
Ref: E08-RMF-10-04, 19 September 2008

This report monitors the transposition of supplier switching Best Practice Propositions (BPPs) in the electricity and gas retail markets. The report is based on five case studies. Five countries where improvement of the supplier switching process has recently been implemented or is underway have been identified as case studies, namely Austria (electricity and gas), France (electricity and gas), Romania (electricity and gas), Spain (electricity) and Sweden (electricity).

Obstacles to Supplier Switching in the Electricity Retail Market: Guidelines of Good Practice and Status Review
Ref. E07-RMF-06-03, 10 April 2008

Based on previous ERGEG reports on supplier switching and market organisation and a survey in a majority of the ERGEG Members and Observers, this ERGEG report examines the status of market opening in the EU electricity market with a particular focus on obstacles to supplier switching. Reducing such obstacles is one of the single most important issues for achieving a well-functioning end-user market, with competitive prices and better terms for all customers.

This report also presents Guidelines of Good Practice (GGP) for improving the supplier switching process and removing identified obstacles, with a view to empowering consumers and improving retail market functioning.