15th European Electricity Regulatory Forum

24-25 November 2008



Implementating the 3rd Energy Package: An ERGEG Consultation paper
by Lord Mogg

Towards a common co-ordinated regional congestion management method –
comments to ETSO-EuroPEX report
by Mrs Asta Sihvonen-Punkka

Second ERI Coherence and Convergence Report
by Mrs Cécile George and Mrs Giuseppina Squicciarini

Incentives for electricity infrastructure – ERGEG view

Electricity Security of Supply - European System Adequacy Forecast
with the participation of ETSO

Regulation (EC) 1228/2003 - ERGEG Compliance Monitoring

Trading Transparency
CESR/ERGEG advice to DG TREN and DG MARKT in the context of the Third Energy Package
by Mr Johannes Kindler