by mcwebmaster | May 16, 2023
Avenues for the Green and Digital Transition: Enabling energy consumers as agents and beneficiaries As Europe continues to face a cost-of-living and energy crisis, engaging consumers for a successful transition towards a carbon-neutral, digitalised and just energy...
by mcwebmaster | Mar 23, 2022
The green transition and the digital transition are changing energy markets. Technological developments give rise to new and innovative business models, while the decarbonization process is increasing the share of renewable generation, coupled with more ambitious...
by mcwebmaster | Oct 20, 2020
On Tuesday 20 October, from 13:30 to 15:00 CET, the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) held its annual Customer Conference online to present the new “2030 Vision for Energy Consumers” jointly drafted with the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC). [Scroll...
by mcwebmaster | Nov 5, 2019
CEER 2019 Customer Conference ”Consumers at the heart of implementing the Clean Energy Package framework” The transition towards a decarbonised energy system, with higher shares of renewable generation and increased energy efficiency targets, is changing...
by mcwebmaster | Nov 29, 2018