by mcwebmaster | Nov 20, 2019
At this event, the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators and CEER will present the Bridge Beyond 2025: an ACER Recommendation and joint ACER-CEER paper. This summer, after the entry into force of the Clean Energy Package, the Agency ran a...
by mcwebmaster | Nov 15, 2019
The forum is a joint initiative of the Energy Union Law Area of the Florence School of Regulation (European University Institute RSCAS), Bundesnetzagentur and the Council of the European Energy Regulators (CEER), designed to produce a meaningful dialogue on the impact...
by mcwebmaster | Nov 6, 2019
CEER event for authorities responsible for safeguarding and enforcing consumers’ rights (e.g. competition authorities, dispute-resolution bodies, regulators from different sectors and consumer authorities etc.). If you are one of these bodies and wish to be attend,...
by mcwebmaster | Apr 24, 2018
We welcomed 103 participants at our Future role of gas study launch event. The aim of the workshop was to present the outcome of the study on “Future Role of Gas” commissioned by CEER to consultants DNV GL. The study offers a broad vision of the different roles that...