
Cross Sectoral
Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks 2024
The CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks 2024 provides an annual overview of regulatory systems for electricity and gas networks at both TSO and DSO levels, including CEER...

Cross Sectoral
CEER Views on the Draghi Report: Striking the Right Balance for the future of Europe’s Energy Sector
CEER is sharing its assessment of the proposals put forward in the Draghi Report and providing insights into how to shape the future of Europe’s energy sector. We address the crucial challenges of a...

Cross Sectoral
How NRA independence is safeguarded as NRA competences keep expanding
This report investigates how national regulatory authorities (NRAs) maintain their independence within national legal and institutional frameworks as they execute their tasks in the energy field and i...
Cross Sectoral
ACER-CEER Guidance Paper on Electricity Transmission and Distribution “Smart-Grid” Performance Indicators
Expanding the capacity of the European electricity system requires not only securing investments but also enhancing the efficiency of infrastructure by deploying smart solutions, which can be faster a...
Cross Sectoral
ACER-CEER Paper on Anticipatory Investments
Requested by the European Commission as a follow up of the 9th Energy Infrastructure Forum (June 2023), this paper analyses the main barriers to anticipatory investments and provides a set of recommen...
Cross Sectoral
Status review TSO/DSO unbundling – Update on implementation of TSO and DSO Unbundling Provisions & “Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Markets Package” Outlook
This Status Review assesses the status of DSO and TSO unbundling, highlighting new developments since summer 2018 regarding the implementation of the rules introduced by the Clean Energy Package and g...
Cross Sectoral
Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks 2023
This report provides a general overview of the regulatory regimes applied in 2023 and the required efficiency developments. It analyses the overall determination of capital costs of CEER Members plus...
Cross Sectoral
What Regulators Stood for in the Second Half of 2023
The paper offers a snapshot of energy regulators’ priorities and focus during the second half of 2023. It points to key trends that emerged during that period. The aim is to provide an overview of o...
Cross Sectoral
CEER Report on Electric Vehicles: Network Management and Consumer Protection
This report presents an overview of the development of electric mobility and the main issues for national regulatory authorities regarding the deployment of recharging infrastructure, integration of e...
Cross Sectoral
Guide for Communication Specialists of National Authorities and Journalists in the Energy Sector
The given document has been designed for the communication and PR specialists of the national energy regulatory authorities (NRA) of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) Countries, as well as journalists. Th...
Cross Sectoral
What Regulators Stood for in the First Half of 2023
The paper offers a summary of where energy regulators’ priorities and focus were in the first half of 2023 and points to key trends that emerged during that period. The aim is to provide an overview...
Cross Sectoral
What Regulators Stood for in the Second Half of 2023
The paper offers a summary of where energy regulators’ priorities and focus were in the second half of 2022 and points to key trends that emerged during that period. The aim is to provide an overvie...
Cross Sectoral
Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks 2022
This document presents the 2022 edition of the CEER report on regulatory frameworks for European energy networks.
This report provides a general overview of the regulatory regimes applied in 2022 and...
Cross Sectoral
Guide for Investing in Renewable Energy in Eastern Partnership Countries
The guide provides detailed information, statistical data and practical steps to help investors understand the renewable energy potential of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukrai...
Cross Sectoral
7th CEER-ECRB Benchmarking Report on the Quality of Electricity and Gas Supply
This flagship report provides in-depth surveys and analyses of the quality of electricity and gas supply across Europe with associated recommendations for good regulatory practices to maintain a good...
Cross Sectoral
What Regulators Stood for in the First Half of 2022
This paper reviews the work CEER delivered in the first half of 2022 on topics ranging from customers and retail energy markets to gas and gas decarbonisation, as well as on cross-sectoral issues. CEE...
Cross Sectoral
CEER report “Dynamic NRAs to Boost Innovation”
This document presents the state of play of Dynamic Regulation from NRAs’ perspective. It highlights the understanding, main developments and approaches of Dynamic Regulation in the energy sector. T...
Cross Sectoral
CEER Paper on Regulatory Sandboxes in Incentive Regulation
This paper seeks to provide clarity and a framework for the different tools (including sandboxes) that energy national regulatory authorities NRAs can use to facilitate innovation in the context of in...
Cross Sectoral
CEER Analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic’s Effects on the Energy Sector – Second Report
With this report, CEER continues its analysis of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the energy sector. The report is based on the replies of 24 regulatory authorities and covers a period ranging...
Cross Sectoral
CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks 2021
The Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks 2021 analyses different regulatory systems of electricity and gas networks (at the TSO and DSO level) in most EU Member States, Great B...
Cross Sectoral
What Regulators Stood for in the Second Half of 2021
This paper reviews CEER’s work in the second half of 2021 and brings out main messages....
Cross Sectoral
Cross Sectoral