Impact of high market prices on renewables
This CEER Report aims to provide some insight into how high market prices affected supported RES in Europe. It seeks to determine whether there was the option for supported RES to leave any given supp...
ACER-CEER Paper on Challenges of the Future Electricity System
This ACER-CEER position paper calls on the new European Parliament, Commission and Council to prioritise five key electricity and infrastructure challenges throughout the legislative process in their...
CEER Paper on Unsupported Renewable Energy Sources
With this briefing, the Renewable Energy Systems Work Stream (RES WS) within the Electricity Working Group (EWG) aims to provide an updated assessment of the status quo of formally supported RES insta...
CEER Paper on DSO Data Exchange Relating to Flexibility and NRAs’ Role
This CEER Paper on DSO data exchange relating to flexibility and NRAs’ role (C23-DS-87-03) provides information on the existing flexibility related data exchange that DSOs are involved with and iden...
Status Review of Renewable Support Schemes in Europe for 2020 and 2021
This CEER Status Review of Renewable Support Schemes in Europe for 2020 and 2021 (C22-RES-80-04) collects comparable data on support for RES in Europe in order to provide policymakers, regulators and...
CEER Short paper on the ownership of Storage Facilities in the Electrical Distribution System
This document seeks to outline a stepwise guide on the tendering procedure and the derogation granting process pursuant to paragraph (2) of article 36 of the (EU) 2019/944 Electricity Directive wherei...
CEER Paper on Alternative Connection Agreements
This CEER report (C23-DS-83-06) provides a comprehensive overview of the alternative connection agreements, as an alternative or as an intermediary measure before grid reinforcements, which allows sys...
CEER Report on Tendering Procedures for Renewable Energy Sources in Europe
This CEER report presents the current state of play on RES tendering schemes in Europe. It is an update of the 2018 (C18-SD-63-03) and 2020 (C20-RES-67-03) CEER Reports on Tendering Procedures for RES...
ACER-CEER: Reaction to the European Commission’s public consultation on electricity market design
The ACER-CEER joint response to the European Commission’s consultation comprises their replies to the questions asked by the Commission in its consultation as well as additions to the replies in the...
ACER CEER Reflection on EC offshore strategy
In this Reflection Paper, ACER and CEER broadly support the European Commission’s envisaged approach towards creating offshore bidding zones to integrate offshore renewable energy from hybrid system...
CEER Report on Redispatching Arrangements in Europe against the Background of the Clean Energy Package Requirements
This document presents the redispatching requirements laid out in Article 13 of the updated Regulation (EU) 2019/943 of 5 June 2019 on the internal market for electricity,. The report provides a compa...
CEER Views on Electricity Distribution Network Development Plans
This document presents CEER’s views on electricity distribution network development plans. The document addresses aspects that distribution system operators should consider when preparing and consul...
CEER Status Review of Renewable Support Schemes in Europe for 2018 and 2019
This document constitutes the latest update to the regular CEER Status Reviews of Renewable Energy Support Schemes in Europe and builds on the previous CEER reports.
The data in RES support schemes i...
CEER Response to the European Commission ASSET Study on Regulatory Priorities for Enabling Demand Side Flexibility
In this document, CEER responds to the European Commission ASSET Study on Regulatory Priorities for Enabling Demand Side Flexibility (DSF) which was published in November 2020....
CEER Report on Long-Term Generation Investment Signals in a Market with High Shares of Renewables
This report shares some considerations on whether the market framework currently in place in Europe is fit for the steady development of renewable energy, and if it will carry the necessary long-term...
2nd CEER Report on Tendering Procedures for RES in Europe
This CEER report (C20-RES-67-03) presents the current state of play on RES tendering schemes in Europe. It is an update of the 2018 CEER Report on Tendering Procedures for RES in Europe (C18-SD-63-03)...
CEER Status Review Report on Regulatory Frameworks for Innovation in Electricity Transmission Infrastructure
This document presents a progress report on regulatory frameworks for innovation in electricity infrastructure. It follows up on the conclusions of the Energy Infrastructure Forum 2019. The conclusion...
CEER Paper on DSO Procedures of Procurement of Flexibility
This paper provides insights on what the implications are for incentives, prerequisites and interactions among the involved parties with DSO access to and use of flexibility. The aim of the paper is t...
CEER Response to the Commission’s Public Consultation on Procedural Clarification in CACM, EB, FCA and SO Guidelines
CEER response to the European Commission’s public consultation on a planned procedural clarification in the CACM, FCA, EB, SO Guidelines, by way of a Commission Implementing Regulation....
CEER Paper on Electricity Distribution Tariffs Supporting the Energy Transition
This document presents CEER’s conclusions on electricity distribution network tariffs within today’s electricity system and how they can support expected changes. Besides building upon CEER’s ea...
2nd CEER Report on Power Losses
This report provides an overview of power losses (transmission and distribution) in electrical grids – the levels of losses, how they are defined, calculated and valued across 35 European countries....
Pan-European cost-efficiency benchmark for electricity TSOs
This is the final report of a CEER project on cost efficiency benchmarking that involves data collection, validation and calculation of various efficiency indicators. Respecting the confidentiality of...
CEER Status Review of Renewable Support Schemes in Europe for 2016 and 2017
The purpose of CEER Status Review publications is to collect comparable data on RES support in Europe in order to provide policy-makers, regulators and industry participants with information on suppor...
CEER Conclusions Paper on Flexibility Use at Distribution Level
This document presents CEER’s conclusions arising from our public consultation on Guidelines of Good Practice for Flexibility Use at Distribution Level. It also contains our reflections on the consu...