ACER-CEER Consultancy study on the impact of the measures included in the EU and National Gas Storage Regulations
ACER and CEER commissioned a consultancy (VIS Economic & Energy Consultants) to analyse the measures adopted by Member States to strengthen the use of underground storage facilities in the EU and...
The Influence of New LNG Terminals on the Future EU Energy Market
This report looks at the impact of the new LNG terminals on the future EU energy market. It is based on the analysis of the LNG import, storage and regasification existing capacities, the recently com...
CEER Report on Liquefied Natural Gas Small-Scale Services in the European Union
This document provides conclusions drawn from a benchmarking on the available liquefied natural gas (LNG) small-scale services in the EU, as well as their access conditions and tariffs in the differen...
CEER response to the European Commission’s public consultation on the priority list for the establishment of gas network codes and guidelines for 2023 (and beyond)
This document is CEER's response to the European Commission’s public consultation on the Priority list for the development of gas network codes and guidelines for 2023 (and beyond)....
ACER-CEER reaction to the Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Package
ACER and CEER provide a summary of their views and recommendations on the Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market Package...
ACER-CEER views on the proposal for a regulation amending the SoS and gas storage Regulations
ACER and CEER views on the proposal for a regulation amending Regulations (EU) 2017/1938 and (EC) n°715/2009 relating to the access to gas storage facilities...
CEER Reflection Paper on Regulation of Long-Term Energy Storage from a Sector-Coupling Perspective: Lessons from gas storage
This document presents CEER’s reflections on the regulation of long-term energy storage from a sector-coupling perspective and the lessons learnt from gas storage. It is intended to serve as a backg...
CEER feedback to EC on methane emissions regulation
CEER feedback on European Commission’s legislative proposals on the Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market Package, namely, the proposal for a Methane Emissions Regulation....
CEER feedback to EC on gas and H2 package
CEER feedback on European Commission’s legislative proposals on the Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market Package, namely, the proposals for a Directive and a Regulation....
Status Review Report on Regulatory Frameworks for Innovation and Security of Supply in Gas Transmission Infrastructure
This document presents a progress report on regulatory frameworks for innovation and security of supply in gas infrastructure. It follows the conclusions of the Energy Infrastructure Forum 2019, which...
CEER input on the Roadmap for an EU Strategy for Methane
This is CEER’s response to the European Commission’s request for feedback on the Roadmap for an EU strategy for methane...
CEER Paper on Regulatory Issues Related to the’Delta In-Out’ in Distribution Networks
This document (C19-GS-05-03) aims to reach a more in-depth knowledge of the Δinout problem, by creating a common understanding at the European level, despite possible different features of distributi...
CEER input on the roadmap for an EU strategy for Hydrogen
This is CEER’s response to the European Commission’s request for feedback on the Roadmap for an EU strategy for hydrogen...
The Bridge Beyond 2025 Conclusions Paper
The purpose of this joint ACER-CEER Conclusions Paper is for CEER and the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) to identify priorities for legislative and regulatory ac...
Pan-European cost-efficiency benchmark for gas TSOs
Pan-European cost-efficiency benchmark for gas transmission system operators
This is the final report of a CEER project on cost efficiency benchmarking that involves data collection, validation and c...
How to Foster LNG Markets in Europe
The main objective of this report is to identify possible ways to foster the development of LNG market at an EU level to find solutions to both real and anticipated problems. The deliverable focuses o...
CEER Status Review on application of the Supply Standard foreseen in the Security of Supply Regulation
This document presents the status review on the application of the Supply Standard foreseen in the Security of Supply Regulation. The status review aims to gain insights regarding the application of t...
CEER Future Role of Gas (FROG) Study
This study was commissioned by CEER and prepared by DNV GL taking into account feedback from stakeholders and CEER members. The information and views set out in this paper are those of the author(s) a...
Removing LNG Barriers on gas markets
The main objective of this report is to identify barriers on LNG markets, regarding the services offered by the terminals and the tariffs applied, and suggest ways to overcome them. The report contain...
CEER Solidarity Guidance Note
This note sets out CEER’s input for the solidarity guidance to be developed by the European Commission as provided in article 13 of the Revised Regulation of 1938/2017....