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Use of prudential regulation mechanisms to promote effective supplier risk management in the energy sector
The energy crisis has severely impacted energy suppliers due to financial strain and inadequately defined hedging strategies. This situation highlights the need for reliable supplier mechanis...
Beyond the Crisis: Consumer protection and market measures for better functioning markets
This report focuses on the national measures that were implemented across Europe to address the challenges posed by the energy crisis to both consumers and market participants. It provides reflections...
Guidelines of Good Practice on Trustworthy Green Offers and Consumer Protection Against Misleading Marketing Practices
CEER has updated its advice on customer information on sources of electricity (published in 2015). This should enable customers to make a well-informed choice about their energy supply, based on relia...
CEER Roadmap to 2025 Well-Functioning Retail Energy Markets: 2022 Self-Assessment Status Report
The 2022 Self-Assessment Status Report is part of the Roadmap to 2025 Well-Functioning Retail Energy Markets. The aim of this annual exercise is to assess the functioning of national energy retail mar...
Digitalisation as a Driver for Better Retail Market Functioning
Drawing from the CEER’s and the European Consumer Organisation´s (BEUC’s) “2030 Vision for Energy Consumers: LET´S ASPIRE!”, this paper presents CEER’s views on digitalisation challenges f...
Joint Common Principles for Enhanced Consumer Protection this Winter
In a common effort supported and initiated by the European Commission, CEER, BEUC, Eurelectric, Eurogas, EER, EU DSO Entity, E.DSO, GEODE and CEDEC encourage companies, regulators and consumer organis...
Renewal of Joint Common Principles for Enhanced Consumer Protection this Winter
Building on the success of the joint declaration signed in December 2022, CEER, BEUC, Eurelectric, Eurogas, EER, EU DSO Entity, E.DSO, GEODE and CEDEC, renew their commitment to encourage companies, r...
Guidelines of Good Practice on Future-proof Comparison Tools in the Energy Sector
This is the second update of the CEER Guidelines of Good Practice for Future-proof Comparison Tools. This report puts forward a set of 20 updated recommendations on best market practices concerning en...
CEER Roadmap to 2025 Well-Functioning Retail Energy Markets 2020 Self-Assessment Status Report
This is the third status report done by CEER, with the present report based on data from the self-assessment performed in 23 European countries. The main purpose is to share experiences and showcase t...
C19-CRM-CEM-132-03, 23
CEER Report on Billing Issues in the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package
C19-CRM-CEM-132-03, 23This CEER report (C19-CRM-CEM-132-03) presents an overview of the changes to billing and billing information for electricity customers introduced by the Clean Energy Package (CEP...
C20-RMR-11-04-01, 12 November 2020
Self-Assessment Status Report 2019 for the Roadmap to 2025 Well-Functioning Retail Energy Markets
This status report uses the framework developed by CEER in its Roadmap to 2025 Well-Functioning Retail Energy Markets. This Roadmap analyses 25 metrics developed in CEER’s 2017 Handbook for National...
CEER response to the Commission’s public consultation on the New Consumer Agenda
This CEER document shares with the public CEER’s 6 October 2020 response to the European Commission’s Public Consultation on the EU’s new ‘consumer agenda’...
CEER-BEUC 2030 Vision for Energy Consumers: LET’S ASPIRE!
CEER and the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) have renewed our Vision for Energy Consumers with a horizon to 2030. Looking ahead to 2030 and the EU’s 2050 sustainability and climate neutrality...
CEER Recommendations on Dynamic Price Implementation
This document presents CEER’s recommendations on dynamic price implementation, with a view to transposition into national laws of the provisions in Directive (EU) 2019/944 of 5 June 2019, on common...
CEER Monitoring Report on the Performance of European Retail Markets in 2018
The main objective of this CEER report on retail energy markets is to provide further analysis on some of the most important aspects of retail markets, allowing a more in-depth and comprehensive under...
Self-Assessment Status Report 2018 for the Roadmap to 2025 Well-Functioning Retail Energy Markets
This Status Report reviews national regulatory authorities’ (NRAs’) use the framework developed by CEER in its Roadmap to 2025 Well-Functioning Retail Energy Markets. NRAs have used 25 metrics dev...
Implementing Consumer Rights in the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package
This CEER report provides case studies on already-existing national solutions regarding the empowerment of consumer rights in the Directive. The seven case studies address issues that arise throughout...
Implementing Technology that Benefits Consumers in the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package
This CEER report seeks to contribute to a heightened awareness and understanding of the new provisions adopted in the recast Electricity Directive, with a view to facilitating their implementation and...
CEER Monitoring Report on the Performance of European Retail Markets in 2017
The main objective of this CEER report on retail energy markets is to provide further analysis on some of the most important aspects of retail markets, allowing a more in-depth and comprehensive under...
CEER Key Positions on the “New Deal for Consumers”, on the Proposed Directive on Better Enforcement and Modernisation of EU Consumer Protection Rules
This response paper gives CEER's views on enhancements of the proposed "Directive on Better Enforcement and Modernisation of EU Consumer Protection Rules", with a particular focus on bundled products,...
Report on Smart Technology Development
This report identifies emerging trends, technologies and business models in the energy sector, that may have a significant impact on the functioning of the retail market and assesses the potential nee...
Roadmap to 2025 Well-Functioning Retail Energy Markets
This paper provides a guide for National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) on how to proceed in the coming years in their path toward achieving well-functioning retail energy markets. It outlines key step...
Guidelines of Good Practice on Comparison Tools in the New Energy Market Design – Updated Recommendations
In July 2012, the CEER Guidelines of Good Practice (GGP) on Price Comparison Tools presented 14 recommendations for energy price comparison tools which covered the following themes: independence, tran...
Retail Market Monitoring Report
This document seeks to support the findings of ACER/CEER’s position paper “Energy Regulation: A Bridge to 2025”. Therefore, the report shall deliver an overview on the recent retail markets deve...