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Customers C16-SC-52-03b
Customers C16-SC-52-05
Customers C16-SC-52-03

CEER 2017 Handbook for National Energy Regulators – How to assess retail market functioning

This CEER Handbook has been developed as a practical guide for national regulatory authorities in the process of evaluating the performance of their national retail energy markets. By providing a clea...
Customers C15-CEM-80-04,

CEER Report on commercial barriers to supplier switching in EU retail energy markets

CEER encourages Europe’s energy customers to compare offers in order to benefit from competition in the market. However, in practice, some energy customers do not do so. In this report, CEER aims to...
Customers C15-CEM-80-04

CEER Report on commercial barriers to supplier switching in EU retail energy markets

CEER encourages Europe’s energy customers to compare offers in order to benefit from competition in the market. However, in practice, some energy customers do not do so. In this report, CEER aims to...

Market Actors

The factsheet and infographic on our Market Actors page explain each party that plays a role in providing our energy; explaining who, how, what and why....
Customers C16-CRM-99-03

CEER Statement on the European Commission’s Heating and Cooling Strategy

CEER, as the independent voice of Europe’s energy regulators, welcomes the European Commission’s strategy on heating and cooling and in particular its objective to make the heating and cooling sec...
Customers C16-CEM-90-06

CEER Position paper on early termination fees

In its Position paper on early termination fees, CEER restates its view that energy suppliers should not charge a termination fee to customers who switch energy supplier. This is because charging a sw...
Customers C15-RMF-70-03

CEER Benchmarking report on removing barriers to entry for energy suppliers in EU retail energy markets

This report (C15-RMF-70-03) identifies a range of barriers to entry for energy suppliers into retail gas and electricity markets across the EU, and points to actions NRAs have taken or envisage taking...
Customers C16-CRM-96-04

CEER Response to the European Commission Public Consultation on the Review of Directive 2012-27-EU on Energy Efficiency

CEER response focuses primarily on Articles 9-11 of the Energy Efficiency Directive, which pertain to metering, billing information and cost of access to metering and billing information....
Customers C15-SC-36-03

CEER Position paper on well-functioning retail energy markets

This strategic high-level paper presents a forward-looking framework for evaluating the performance of retail energy markets. It considers issues from both the supply and demand side and develops our...

CEER Statement on Delivering a New Deal for Energy Consumers

CEER is committed to engaging with the EU institutions and stakeholders on concrete ways to deliver a New Deal for energy consumers. We welcome the EU-level focus on retail markets and consumers and t...
Customers C14-RMF-68-03

CEER Advice on Customer Data Management for Better Retail Market Functioning

This document (C14-RMF-68-03) presents CEER’s Advice on Customer Data Management for Better Retail Market Functioning (electricity and gas). It outlines five guiding principles to form a basis for a...
Customers C14-CEM-74-07

CEER Advice on How to Involve and Engage Consumer Organisations in the Regulatory Process

This document (C14-CEM-74-07) examines how best to involve and engage consumer organisations in the regulatory process by drawing up a number of recommendations which should result in a more structure...
Implementing the 2020 Vision for Europe’s Energy Customers – CEER Action Plan 2015-2017
Customers C15-SC-32-05

Implementing the 2020 Vision for Europe’s Energy Customers – CEER Action Plan 2015-2017

This document (C15-SC-32-05) is an update of the CEER 3-year rolling action plan (Contributing to a 2020 Vision for Europe’s energy customers), which was originally published together with the 2020...
Customers C14-CEM-70-08

CEER Advice on Customer Information on Sources of Electricity

This document (C14-CEM-70-08) presents recommendations on how to make the system for disclosing how electricity has been produced more coherent and reliable. It also outlines how to make information o...
Customers C14-RMF-62-04

Advice on the quality of electricity and gas distribution services

This CEER document presents recommendations from a customer perspective on regulating the quality of distribution services by the DSO, with a focus on connection, disconnection and maintenance. The re...
Customers C14-SC-30-03

CEER Report on the Implementation of the 2020 Vision by its Supporters

This document (C14-SC-30-04) represents CEER’s first assessment of the level of implementation of the 2020 Vision for Europe's Energy Customers by its supporters. Its aim is to sum up the responses...
Customers C14-CRM-77-03

CEER Response to EC public consultation on retail markets

CEER welcomes the work of European Commission on energy retail markets and Commission's efforts in seeking stakeholder views to inform future proposals. CEER believes that consumers have...
Customers C13-CEM-65-03

Status Review on the involvement of consumer organisations in the regulatory process as of 1st January 2013

This document provides thorough insight into working relations between NRAs and consumer organisations. The overall aim of this review is to depict if, how and on which particular issues NRAs and cons...
Customers C13-CEM-65-04

Status Review on customer access to information on energy costs, sources and energy efficiency schemes

The review illustrates how key information on the cost and sources of energy and of efficiency schemes is made available to final energy customers. Such information includes: the breakdown of cost com...
Customers C13-RMF-54-05

Status Review of Regulatory Aspects of Smart Metering

This document seeks to review the extent to which Member States and National Regulatory Authorities are applying the recommendations included in the ERGEG document “Final Guidelines of Good Practice...