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A 2020 Vision for Europe’s energy customers
A 2020 Vision for Europe’s energy customers
BEUC - CEER Joint Statement, 13 November 2012, and updated in June 2014.
This document describes the 2020 vision for Europe's energy customers launche...
Benchmarking Report on Meter Data Management – Case Studies
This document provides an overview of meter data management in nine countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Meter data management (...
Status Review of Customer and Retail Market Provisions from the 3rd Package as of 1 January 2012
This document examines the extent to which the customer and retail market provisions of the 3rd Package have been legally and practically implemented by 1 January 2012 and gives insight into how the 3...
Contributing to a 2020 Vision for Europe’s energy customers – CEER 3-year rolling action plan
This document summarises a 3-year rolling action plan for CEER targeted on promoting the 2020 Vision for Europe’s energy customers launched by BEUC and CEER at the 2012 Citizen's Energy Forum....
Status Review of the implementation of the ERGEG GGP on indicators for retail market monitoring as of 1 January 2012
This document is a follow up to ERGEG’s Guidelines of Good Practice on Indicators for Retail Market Monitoring for Electricity and Gas (E10-RMF-27-03) and provides a Status Review on the implementat...
Proceedings of the CEER conference on ‘Building a 2020 vision for Europe’s energy customers’
On 21 June 2012, CEER held a conference as part of its process to build a vision for Europe’s energy customers.
This paper provides a high level summary of the proceedings....
Guidelines of Good Practice on Price Comparison Tools
This document presents the final 14 recommendations for price comparison tools which cover the following themes: independence, transparency, exhaustiveness, clarity and comprehensibility, correct and...
CEER Discussion Paper on a 2020 vision for Europe’s energy customers
CEER launched in 2012 the first stage of its process to build, with stakeholders, a 2020 vision for Europe's energy customers. It aims to confront and overcome the many challenges that customers face...
CEER Position Paper on the Commission proposal for a Directive on Consumer ADR
CEER Position Paper on the Commission proposal for a Directive on Consumer ADR...
Guidelines of Good Practice on electricity and gas retail market design, with a focus on switching and billing
Building on regulators' work to date, these Guidelines of Good Practice address the roles and responsibilities of market actors in the European electricity and gas markets, including the DSOs role as...
Advice on the take-off of a demand response electricity market with smart meters
With this Advice, CEER aims at enhancing the implementation of demand response with household customers and small and medium sized businesses. We seek to describe the roles and responsibilities for di...
Benchmarking Report on the roles and responsibilities of NRAs in customer empowerment and protection as of 1st January 2011
This Benchmarking Report describes the current situation and highlights activities of the NRAs, including their work with the industry, consumer organisations and public authorities. Moreover, it prov...
Status Review of the Implementation of the GGP on Complaint Handling, Reporting and Classification as of 1 January 2011
This Status Review is a follow-up to the ERGEG Guidelines of Good Practice on Complaint Handling, Reporting and Classification (E10-CEM-33-05) and seeks to establish whether the recommendations that w...
ADR practices: case studies. Update to Annex 2 of GGP on Customer Complaint Handling, Reporting and Classification
CEER document on country cases regarding Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the energy sector.
This report is an Update to Annex 2 of ERGEG GGP on Customer Complaint Handling, Reporting and Clas...
CEER submission to European Commission Consultation on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
European energy regulators welcome the opportunity to contribute to the Commisson's work on ADR. The CEER response underlines the regulators' views as regards energy consumers - focusing on our recomm...
GGP on Regulatory Aspects of Smart Metering for Electricity and Gas
The Draft GGP on Regulatory Aspects of Smart Metering for Electricity and Gas were issued for public consultation in summer 2010. To view the consultation documents, please click here...