About the course 

Smart metering, better price signals, technological developments, decentralisation of the generation from renewable energy sources all create opportunities for new actors in the energy sector. Given these emerging trends, the Clean Energy Package created Renewable Energy Communities and Citizen Energy Communities in order to achieve a clean and fair energy transition. In various ways, these new market participants offer new answers to old questions. These new legal entities aim at fostering renewable energy projects and empowering customers. These new players in the energy market also seek to generate increased flexibility in the system which might give birth new business models developments and, accordingly, new challenges for regulators. This emerging framework might trigger significative impacts on all market actors from the consumer to the Distribution system operators (DSOs).

Energy regulators need to understand how these new actors affect the energy sector and how they can contribute to cost-efficient electrification and digitalisation. This tailor-made CEER hybrid training programme will help energy regulators gaining this expertise. It is designed for staff from the National Regulatory Authorities but representatives from other organisations are also welcomed to attend. 

The course starts on day 1 with a general introduction to the legal background on energy communities, their regulatory characteristics and challenges. Day 2 will demonstrate reference applications and explain technical matters to consider when creating energy communities. The training finally ends on day 3 with recommendations on how to put in practice in everyday life what has been learned during the previous days.


Level A Overview course

Course Structure 

A series of HYBRID classes which give the participants the opportunities to participate in interesting presentations, discussions and exchanges with the trainers and other participants via an interactive GoTo Training online training platform.
Access to interesting literature review and reading materials on the topics addressed in the course.
Interesting exercises and course work that participants need to prepare in advance to contribute to the online debates during the HYBRID classes.

Course Director: Fréderic-Michael Foeteler