This two-day course is designed as Module 1 of the Series on REMIT Implementation. It is ideally suited for new staff from National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) who have started working with REMIT implementation and market monitoring. The programme will provide general knowledge and tools for NRA staff to carry out the new demanding tasks required under REMIT. Other experts from European Institutions (ACER, European Commission) and financial regulators are also invited to attend.

NRA staff registering for this training will be able to benefit from the expertise provided by ACER experts working in the Market Surveillance and Conduct Department and Market Integrity and Transparency Department. They will be granted free access to the online Energy Markets Training Programme of the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET). 

Course Director: Ms Annegret Groebel, BNetzA, CEER President, Chair CEER and ACER MIT WG.
Please go to the CEER website to check the detailed programme and register by 20 January 2020. 


Energy regulators must tread carefully in setting tariffs in this rapidly changing environment, balancing the traditional regulatory aims of efficient, secure and high-quality energy networks with the newer objectives and innovation that policy-makers seek for the sector. This CEER tailor-made two-day course will help deliver energy regulators this expertise. It will cover the fundamental principles and future direction of tariff setting for transmission and distribution, in both electricity and gas, including specific relevant examples from countries across Europe. The programme will also focus on the impact of new developments and innovation on the tariff setting process for European energy regulators and how to design the new tariff structures to address the new challenges. 

Course Director: Mr Alexander Lüdtke-Handjery, Chairman of Ruling Chamber 4, BNetzA
Course Advisor: Prof. Tomás Gómez, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Member of CEER Training Academy Advisory Board 

Please go to the CEER website to check the detailed programme and register by 3 February 2020. 


The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) and the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) are delighted to announce a unique joint course called "Introduction to Fundamentals of Energy Regulation", to be held in the CEER's office in Brussels on 23-27 March 2020. This CEER-FSR course is focused on explaining the fundamentals of EU energy policy and regulation, building on similar successful courses held in previous years. The course, which is Level A - Overview course, is ideally suited for newer staff members within NRAs, European Institutions and other public authorities. The course is co-directed by Koen Locquet, Acting President of CREG and Ilaria Conti, FSR Head of Gas Area and advised by Jean-Michel Glachant, FSR Director and Margot Loudon, Member of CEER Training Academy Advisory Board. It comprises of two standalone - but related - modules, as follows: 

- Module 1: "EU Energy Regulatory Framework and Policy", 2 days, from Monday 23rd to Tuesday 24th March 2020; and,

- Module 2: "European Electricity and Gas Market Regulation", 3 days, from Wednesday 25th to Friday 27th March 2020 inclusive.

Attendance at both modules is recommended, though they are designed such that participants can gain value by attending just one module if they wish. 

Please go to the CEER website to check the detailed programme and register by 2 March 2020. 


For more information on other CEER courses in 2020, please go to the CEER website.

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