Energy regulators need expertise in setting allowed network revenues - including an appropriate return on investments/capital - and carrying out benchmarking. This tailored-made 2-day CEER training programme will help deliver energy regulators this expertise. The programme will cover the fundamental principles of setting allowed network revenues in electricity and gas. This will include the principles of network incentive regulation and specific relevant examples from countries across Europe. The programme will also focus on the benchmarking methodologies and practices of the electricity and gas networks in the context of the network tariff regulation. 

Course Director: Mr Alexander Lüdtke-Handjery, Chairman of Ruling Chamber 4, BNetzA.
Course Advisor: Prof. Tomás Gómez, Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

Please go to CEER website to check the detailed programme and register before 1 September 2017. 


One of the key tools for delivering sound and effective regulations is Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIAs). The programme of this newly-designed course will cover the fundamental principles of RIAs and how RIAs can help National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) in their pursuit of better regulation objectives. It will include practical exercises and case studies of best practices on how to conduct RIAs at the European and national levels. Through case studies participants will gain some insights into the national approaches of using RIAs to gravitate towards better regulation objectives.

Course Director: Ms Una Shortall, CEER Deputy Secretary General.

Please go to CEER website to check the detailed programme and register before 1 September 2017.


This CEER training course is designed for staff from NRAs and other competent authorities who want to enhance their knowledge on the fundamentals and challenges in the implementation of the Energy Infrastructure Package (EIP) and the Project of Common Interest (PCI) process in practice. The programme will cover the fundamentals and highlights of the EIP and PCIs, including the methodology applied for the PCI selection process, Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and Cross-Border Cost Allocation (CBCA). It will include the practical experiences and challenges of the PCI implementation, practical CBCA case studies as well as risk-related incentives for PCIs from different countries.

Course Director: Mr Deniz Erdem, Economist, BNetzA.
Course Advisor: Ms Asta Sihvonen-Punkka, Senior Vice President of Fingrid, Chair of CEER Training Academy Advisory Board.

Please go to CEER website to check the detailed programme and register before 29 September 2017.


For more information on other CEER courses, please go to the CEER new website.

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