Renewable electricity generation levels have increased dramatically in Europe over the last decade, particularly in the form of wind and solar power, such that renewables are now a central part of Europe's electricity mix. In many Member States this has been driven by Government policy as part of the agenda to address climate change. The increase in intermittent renewable generation poses major technical and regulatory challenges to Europe's energy regulators in overseeing both energy networks and markets in consumers' interests. 

Programme overview:

- Review the recent developments and the policy framework for future developments in renewables in Europe

- Assess the transitional process and national approaches to manage the transitional phase from traditional renewables support schemes to the competitive process

- Examine how to integrate renewables in the new market design, including balancing, intra-day and real-time markets, incorporating demand flexibility

- Discuss the role of regulators to facilitate demand flexibility and create future-proof market design and explore national case studies of designing network and market changes to facilitate increased levels of renewable generation

- Participate in exciting discussions and group work on the integration of distributed renewables, the challenges for DSOs, self-consumption, design of retail tariffs and Local Energy Communities

Course Directors: Ms Yvonne Finger, BNetzA and Mr Harald Proidl, E-Control

Course Advisor: Prof. Tomás Gómez, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Member of CEER Training Academy Advisory Board

Please go to CEER website to check the detailed programme and register by 10 September 2018. 


Save the dates for other CEER Training Academy's 2018 Courses

 REMIT Implementation ** Module 2: Specialised Training on REMIT and REMIT enforcement


Blended (on-site and online) 28 November 2018 
Special Interest Training on the Growing Role of DSOs and DSO-TSO Cooperation A On-site 18 October 2018
  EFET Training on Wholesale Power and Gas Market Trading


Blended (on-site and online) 29 November 2018

* Level: A: Overview course, B: Specialised course

** The REMIT Implementation series is open only for CEER regulators. Exceptions can be granted for financial regulators.

For more information about all the CEER courses, please go to the CEER website.

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