Smart metering, better price signals, technological developments and the Clean Energy Package all create opportunities for new actors in the energy sector. In various ways, these actors offer new answers to old questions. Renewable Energy Communities and Citizen Energy Communities aim to make consumers more active. New market players seek to generate increased flexibility in the system.

If regulated such that incentives match system gains, these actors can contribute to a more efficient industry. However, the role such actors may play in practice remains uncertain. Many projects are still only in the research and development phase. Potential regulatory challenges are not necessarily clear and could benefit from an increased dialogue between regulators and new actors.

Designed for:

Level A: Overview Course

Experts from National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) who want to improve their knowledge and exchange experiences on the regulation of energy communities and new actors in the energy sector. Representatives from other organisations are exceptionally invited to attend this training. Priority is still given to regulators.

Course structure:

  • A series of online classes which give the participants the opportunities to participate in interesting presentations, discussions and exchanges with the trainers and other participants via video conference methods.
  • Access to interesting literature review and reading materials on the topics addressed in the course.
  • Interesting exercises and course work that participants need to prepare in advance to contribute to the online debates during the online classes.
Programme Overview:
  • Understand the differences between Renewable Energy Communities and Citizen Energy Communities and how they are defined in the Clean Energy Package.
  • Explore the implementation and the regulatory aspects of energy communities and energy sharing.
  • Share the case studies on regulatory experiences with the implementation of energy communities.  
  • Examine the roles of new business and market actors and how they can contribute to cost-efficient electrification and digitalisation.
  • Explore the regulatory building blocks to create a level playing field for new business and market actors.
  • Participate in exciting discussions with new actors and exchange experience with academics doing research on these topics.

Course Director: Mr Xavier Hansen, ILR.

Course Advisor: Mr Jean- Arnold Vinois, Honorary Director European Commission, Advisor at Jacques Delors Institute.

Please go to the CEER website to check the detailed programme, course fees, scholarships and register by 14 September 2020. 


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