ERGEG Workshop

16 April 2010 from 10:00 to 13:00 hours
Renaissance Brussels Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19, B-1050 Brussels

Please note that places for the workshop are limited and registration is subject to confirmation.

Please note that ENTSO-E will hold a workshop on its pilot network code on connection of wind generation during the afternoon, at the same venue.

ERGEG workshop on the Pilot Framework Guideline for Electricity Grid Connection

Brussels, 16 April 2010

Workshop Documents

Draft Agenda

Draft Impact Assessment - Pilot Framework Guideline Electricity Grid Connection

Written comments to the draft document are welcome until Friday 23 April - please send by email to

ERGEG Presentation on the draft impact assessment for the pilot FG on grid connection

ENTSO-E Presentation on ENTSO--E views on the pilot FG and network code

Eurelectric Presentation on Key concepts and comments on the draft Impact Assessment

IFIEC Europe Presentation on the view of the large consumers

ERGEG Presentation with questions for discussion

List of Participants

Feedback Questionnaire
Please provide us with your comments regarding the event. Submit to