Programme overview:

- Review the EU regulatory and governance framework, with particular reference to Electricity Market Guidelines. 

- Examine the challenges for regulators in delivering the progress, as those related to the approval processes, governance frameworks and implementation of Terms & Conditions and Methodologies.

- Explore the processes, obstacles, best practices, cases studies and lessons learned from the implementation of the Forward Capacity Allocation Guideline and Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management Guideline as well as the ongoing and upcoming challenges in the implementation of the Electricity Balancing Guideline and System Operation Guideline.

- Discover the focal points and participate in the interesting discussions on the future Network Code and Guideline implementation, related to regional cooperation and the Clean Energy Package.

A visit to CORESO, a historical Regional Security Coordinator in Brussels, will complement the programme. 

Course Director: Mr Nico Schoutteet, CREG, CACM and FCA Task Forces Co-Chair
Course Advisor: Ms Asta Sihvonen-Punkka, Senior Vice President of Fingrid, Chair of CEER Training Academy Advisory Board 

Please go to the CEER website to check the detailed programme and register by 6 May 2019. 


Programme overview:

- Learning from technical guidelines on cybersecurity 

- Risk preparedness in cybersecurity and practical exercise to practise your skills

- The economics of cybersecurity and how regulators evaluate investments of utilities and approve tariffs, taking into account the costs of cybersecurity

- The links between cybersecurity and data management and privacy and how cybersecurity could be enhanced to ensure data protection and privacy

- Connecting the dots and the future of cybersecurity 

Participants who register for this training will benefit from a pre-training session which contains useful background documents to equip them with the necessary knowledge before attending the on-site training on 19-20 June 2019.

Course Director: Mr Roman Picard, CRE, Co-Chair CEER Cyber Security Work Stream
Course Advisor: Ms Asta Sihvonen-Punkka, Senior Vice President of Fingrid, Chair of CEER Training Academy Advisory Board 

Please go to the CEER website to check the detailed programme and register by 3 June 2019. 


What are other CEER Training Academy's 2019 Courses? 

REMIT Implementation ** Module 2: Specialised Training on REMIT and REMIT Enforcement


Blended (on-site and online) 27 November 2019
Fundamentals of Energy Regulation Module 5: Specialised Training on Renewable Energy and Electricity Market Design B On-site 24-25 September 2019
Executive Executive-level Seminar on Regulatory Policy and Dynamic Regulation


On-site 16 September 2019
Special Interest Training on Reinventing Energy Markets and Local Energy Communities


On-site 26-27 September 2019
  Training on the Growing Role of DSOs and DSO-TSO Cooperation A On-site 15-16 October 2019
  Training on Promoting Gender and Diversity in Energy Regulatory Authorities A On-site 17 October 2019
  CEER-EFET Training on European Wholesale Electricity and Gas Market Trading


Blended (on-site and online) 28-29 November 2019

* Level: A: Overview course, B: Specialised course

** The REMIT Implementation series is open only for CEER regulators. Exceptions can be granted for financial regulators.


For more information about all the CEER courses, please go to the CEER website.

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