This CEER course provides participants with the latest update on the new legislative framework for renewables in Europe with the Clean Energy Package and the implications for National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs). It also examines the interaction between the new legislative framework for renewables and the Energy and Environment State Aid Guidelines. The course addresses how electricity network operators should be regulated to effectively manage increased generation intermittency while maintaining security of supply. It explains to participants the variability challenges and how to design energy markets to reflect specificities of intermittent generation, including the role of priority dispatch, redispatch and balancing and the role of regulators to facilitate demand flexibility and create future-proof market design. The course also discusses the challenges for regulators and DSOs linked to the integration of increasing shares of distributed renewables and the concept of renewable energy communities in the Clean Energy Package.   

Course Directors: Ms Yvonne Finger, BNetzA and Mr Harald Proidl, E-Control
Course Advisors: Prof. Tomás Gómez, Universidad Pontificia Comillas and Ms Asta Sihvonen-Punkka, Senior Vice President of Fingrid, Members of CEER Training Academy Advisory Board

Please go to the CEER website to check the detailed programme and register by 9 September 2019. 


Smart metering, better price signals, technological developments and the Clean Energy Package all create opportunities for new actors in the energy sector. In various ways, these actors offer new answers to old questions. Renewable Energy Communities and Citizen Energy Communities aim to make consumers more active. New market players seek to generate increased flexibility in the system. Energy regulators need to understand how these new actors affect the energy sector and how they can contribute to cost-efficient electrification and digitalisation. This tailor-made 2-day CEER training programme will help deliver energy regulators this  expertise. The first day of the programme will cover energy communities and case studies on regulatory experiences, covering tariffs, scope, rights and obligations. During the second day, participants have the opportunity to discuss directly with new actors and explore their roles and their impacts on regulation. 

Course Director: Mr Andreas Bjelland Eriksen, NVE
Course Advisor: Mr Jorge Vasconcelos, Chairman of New Energy Solutions, Member of CEER Training Academy Advisory Board

Please go to the CEER website to check the detailed programme and register by 9 September 2019. 


What are other CEER Training Academy's 2019 Courses? 

REMIT Implementation ** Module 2: Specialised Training on REMIT and REMIT Enforcement


Blended (on-site and online) 27 November 2019
Executive Executive-level Seminar on Regulatory Policy and Dynamic Regulation


On-site 14 November 2019 (new date)
Special Interest Training on the Growing Role of DSOs and DSO-TSO Cooperation A On-site 15-16 October 2019
  Training on Promoting Gender and Diversity in Energy Regulatory Authorities A On-site 17 October 2019
  CEER-EFET Training on European Wholesale Electricity and Gas Market Trading


Blended (on-site and online) 28-29 November 2019

* Level: A: Overview course, B: Specialised course

** The REMIT Implementation series is open only for CEER regulators. Exceptions can be granted for financial regulators.


For more information about all the CEER courses, please go to the CEER website.

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