Programme overview: 
Explore the general principles and challenges of the electricity market design in Europe.
Examine the main changes in electricity market design introduced by the Clean Energy Package, covering network access and congestion management, capacity allocation, bidding zone assessment, resource adequacy, capacity mechanisms and regional security coordination.
Discuss experiences and challenges in the implementation of these focal topics of electricity market design in the Clean Energy Package.  
Participate in the lively discussions on the processes, obstacles, best practices, case studies and lessons learned from the implementation phase and future challenges.

Course fee: reduced course fee with online format.

Course Director: Mr Alain Marien, CREG, Future Policy Work Stream Co-Chair.
Course Advisor: Prof Tomás Gómez, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Member of CEER Training Academy Advisory Board.
Please go to the CEER website to check the detailed programme, course fees, scholarships and register by 7 September 2020. 


Programme overview: 
Understand the differences between Renewable Energy Communities and Citizen Energy Communities and how they are defined in the Clean Energy Package.
Explore the implementation and the regulatory aspects of energy communities and energy sharing.
Share the case studies on regulatory experiences with the implementation of energy communities.  
Examine the roles of new business and market actors and how they can contribute to cost-efficient electrification and digitalisation.
Explore the regulatory building blocks to create a level playing field for new business and market actors.
Participate in exciting discussions with new actors and exchange experience with academics doing research on these topics.

Course fee: reduced course fee with online format. This training is exceptionally open for non-regulators but priority is still given to regulators.

Course Director: Mr Xavier Hansen, ILR.
Course Advisor: Mr Jean-Arnold Vinois, Honorary Director European Commission, Advisor at Jacques Delors Institute, Member of CEER Training Academy Advisory Board.
Please go to the CEER website to check the detailed programme, course fees, scholarships and register by 14 September 2020. 


Programme overview: 
Examine the principles of network incentive regulation in the context of significant developments impacting on the energy network such as innovation, flexibility and digitalisation.
Explore different national case studies on how to design the incentive schemes, how to switch from cost plus to incentive-based regulation and how to use regulatory sandboxes in the implementation of incentive schemes.
Discover practical examples and exchange experiences and lessons learnt on different benchmarking exercises, covering international, European and national benchmarking for gas and electricity networks at transmission and distribution levels. 
Participate in exciting discussions and group work on incentive regulation and benchmarking in gas and electricity, transmission and distribution.  

Course fee: reduced course fee with online format.

Course Director: Mr Alexander Lüdtke-Handjery, Chairman of Ruling Chamber 4, BNetzA
Course Advisor: Prof. Tomás Gómez, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Member of CEER Training Academy Advisory Board

Please go to the CEER website to check the detailed programme, course fees, scholarships and register by 21 September 2020. 


Programme overview: 

Explore the future developments of the European gas markets and the role of gas in the European Green Deal.
Discuss the lessons learnt for the implementation of the Network Codes in Gas, the Gas Target Model and case studies on some remaining and emerging issues during the imlpementation.
Examine the expected new developments and new regulatory challenges, including infrastructure challenges, cooperation between electricity and gas sectors, regulatory oversight and dynamic regulation to support new activities and technologies.
Participate in interesting discussions on how to deal with emerging issues in a dynamic gas market through presentation of good regulatory practices and approaches.

Course fee: reduced course fee with online format.  

Course Director: Mr Benoît Esnault, CRE, Vice-Chair CEER-ACER Gas Working Group 
Course Advisor: Ms Margot Loudon, Eurogas Former Deputy Secretary General, Member of CEER Training Academy Advisory Board

Please go to the CEER website to check the detailed programme, course fees, scholarships and register by 07 October 2020.


What are other CEER Training Academy's 2020 Courses?

REMIT Implementation ** Module 2: Specialised Training on REMIT and REMIT Enforcement


Blended (on-site and online) and video connection 25 November 2020
Executive Executive-level Seminar on Regulatory Policy and Dynamic Regulation B On-site and video connection 17 November 2020

Special Interest

CEER-EFET Training on European Wholesale Electricity and Gas Market Trading *** A Blended (on-site and online) and video connection

23-24 November 2020

 * Level: A: Overview course, B: Specialised course

** The REMIT Implementation series is open only for energy regulators. Exceptions can be granted for financial regulators.

*** This training is exceptionally open for non-regulators, but priority is still given to regulators.


For more information about all the CEER courses, please go to the CEER website.

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