About the course 

This course is designed as an introduction for energy industry professionals to help to adapt to the concepts required in the future energy world, where strict barriers between gas, power, and heat are diluted and transferred from one energy carrier to another and back will be commonplace. 

The course is dedicated only to regulators. The course participants will benefit from the course if they have at least a few years of experiences. From regulation, trading, marketing of gas, or power.
After the course, the participants should be able to understand the key fundamentals of the coming brave new energy world, where barriers between different energy carriers will have a diminished role.

The participants are expected to contribute to the discussion during the course, and naturally the learnings from the course by asking active questions and challenging the lecturers using reflections from their own professional history.



Who should attend 

Level B: Specialised Course

The course is dedicated only to regulators. The course participants will benefit from the course if they have at least a few years of experiences. From regulation, trading, marketing of gas, or power.

Course Structure 

  • A series of HYBRID classes which give the participants the opportunities to participate in interesting presentations, discussions and exchanges with the trainers and other participants via an interactive GoTo Training online training platform.
  • Access to interesting literature review and reading materials on the topics addressed in the course.
  • Interesting exercises and course work that participants need to prepare in advance to contribute to the online debates during the HYBRID classes.
  • A field visit to the frist hydroville boat:Hydroville is the first certified passenger shuttle that uses hydrogen to power a diesel engine. Hydrogen has the advantage that no CO2, particulate matter or sulphur oxides are released when burning it.The shuttle will be mainly used as a platform to test hydrogen-technology for commercial sea going vessels. In a first phase the Hydroville will transport people from Kruibeke to Antwerp during the rush hour to avoid traffic jams.