The Board of Directors manages CEER and represents the association externally.
CEER’s Board consists of six directors: the President and five Vice Presidents. The President is elected for a 2.5 year term, the current term runs to 22 July 2026. The Vice Presidents are elected for a 2.5 year term (or less in case of replacement of a Board Member), the current terms run to 11 May 2025.
Annegret Groebel
BNetzA, Germany
CEER President
CEER President
Jana Haasová
ERÚ, Czech Republic
Vice President
Vice President
Koen Locquet
CREG, Belgium
Vice President
Vice President
Alda Ozola
PUC, Latvia
Vice President
Vice President
Wolfgang Urbantschitsch
E-Control, Austria
Vice President
Vice President
Pedro Verdelho
ERSE, Portugal
Vice President
Vice President
General Assembly
The General Assembly, where all CEER Members have one representative, shapes the organisation’s key decisions. Among its most important powers the General Assembly has the power to:
- take any decision;
- approve position papers and official documents;
- admit and exclude Members;
- establish the internal rules of the association;
- amend the statutes; and
- take any decision reserved to the General Assembly by law or the statutes of the association.
The General Assembly meets circa 8 times per year.