EU4Energy Annual Regional Visibility Campaign 2024
Video: Self-Consumption Regulation
EU4Energy at the Europe Days in the Eastern Partnership Countries
To increase the visibility of EU4Energy campaigns and raise awareness among children, the project took part in Europe Days in Armenia, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine.
The main aim was to educate younger generations about energy-saving practices, renewable energy, and the environmental harm caused by wasting energy. Interactive educational materials and activities were available at the stand to engage visitors and encourage a deeper understanding of these critical topics.
High-level Conference on Advancing Connectivity: Fostering Interconnection Capacities and EU Integration of the Eastern Partnership
The High-Level Conference on Advancing Connectivity: Fostering Interconnection Capacities and EU Integration of the Eastern Partnership took place on 24-25 September in Rome, Italy, in collaboration with the Balkan Energy School.
The event brought together high-level speakers and experts from EU institutions, including DG ENER, DG NEAR, the Representation of the European Commission in Italy, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), the Energy Community Secretariat (EnCS), the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Italian Regulatory Authority (ARERA), as well as national regulatory authorities from the Eastern Partnership and Balkan countries, line ministries, network operators, and others.
The conference provided a platform to discuss the importance of cross-border infrastructure projects, the processes for selecting projects of common and Energy Community interest, and key achievements such as the Italy-Montenegro subsea cable. It also shared the experiences of Balkan countries in developing the East-West electricity transmission corridor. A key focus of the event was the Black Sea Underwater Cable Project, which aims to connect Georgia to the European grid.
Autumn Digital EU4Energy Week for EaP Universities 2024
The fourth edition of the Autumn Digital EU4Energy Week for EaP Universities 2024 was held with the aim of providing future energy professionals with practical knowledge and experience from European and international energy experts.
The University Week took place online from 8-10 October 2024, focusing on the transition to more sustainable heating solutions and the enhancement of energy efficiency—topics that are highly relevant to both the EU and the EaP region. Students had the opportunity to learn from EU experts about policies, regulations, technological advancements, and best practices in these areas. They also participated in question-and-answer sessions to deepen their understanding of the subjects.
At the end of the sessions, attendees had the chance to take an online quiz, with the highest-scoring student receiving a prize: a ticket to attend an event organised by CEER as part of the EU4Energy programme.
Regional Workshop on REMIT Implementation
As part of the EU4Energy project, CEER, in collaboration with the Energy Community Secretariat, organised a two-day regional training on REMIT Implementation on 11-12 November in Warsaw, Poland.
The event brought together representatives from national regulatory authorities and relevant energy entities from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine. The training provided participants with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the key aspects of implementing the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT I and REMIT II) and to familiarise themselves with the energy market surveillance framework in the European Union.
EU4Energy Campaign on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy for Children
The EU4Energy campaign on raising the awareness of children on energy efficiency has continued in cooperation with EUNEIGHBOURS EAST and Young European Ambassadors. Different workshops have been carried out in the schools. Within the campaign, EU4Energy has also participated in Europe Days in the Eastern Partnership Countries with the aim to increase the younger generations’ understanding of energy-saving measures as well as the negative impact that wasting energy has on nature and the environment.
Regional Conference on Sustainable Heating and Energy Efficiency in the Eastern Partnership (EaP)
As part of the 2024 visibility actions of the EU4Energy Programme Phase II, the Regional Conference on Sustainable Heating and Energy Efficiency was organised in Tbilisi, Georgia on 15-16 April. The conference brought together representatives of energy stakeholders such as national energy regulatory authorities from the EaP’s, relevant ministries and district heating authorities/companies. Officials from five EaP countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine) had the opportunity to meet with EU experts and exchange knowledge and experience in sustainable heating and energy efficiency. For this event, EU4Energy collaborated with the Elizbar Eristavi Energy Training Centre under the Georgian National Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (GNERC).
Regional Training on Electricity Market Coupling
On 15-16 May in Lisbon, Portugal, CEER organised a two-day training on Electricity Market Coupling for energy sector representatives from the Eastern Partnership (EaP) Countries.
In addition to providing a general overview, the training covered the benefits of market coupling and gave specific examples such as the Spanish-Portuguese Electricity Market (MIBEL). Experts from various international organisations, regulatory authorities and market operators shared their knowledge and experience with participants and discussed the role of market coupling in improving the performance of electricity markets.
Regional Training on Cybersecurity
On 19-20 June in Chisinau, Moldova, the Regional Training on Cybersecurity was organised with the aim to enhance the capacities of representatives of the energy sector, including stakeholders from the EaP’s national energy regulatory authorities, line ministries, energy agencies and transmission system operators (TSOs).
This two-day interactive training explored opportunities for enhancing cybersecurity practices and tools in the energy sector and strengthens the knowledge and capacities of the beneficiaries to improve cyber resilience.
Regional Workshop on New Roles of DSOs under the Clean Energy Package
In July 2024, CEER, on behalf of the EU4Energy Programme, hosted a two-day regional training, in cooperation with the Energy Community Secretariat, on the new roles of distribution system operators (DSOs) under the Clean Energy Package in Berlin, Germany.
The event brought together representatives of the national regulatory authorities and DSOs from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine and enhanced their knowledge and understanding of key elements of distribution system operations.During the workshops the presentations on the Energy Community and EU best practices regarding the new roles that DSOs will undertake in the reformed electricity market were featured.