Council of European Energy Regulators
CEER is the voice of Europe’s national energy regulators at EU and international level.
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Regulators call on the new European Parliament, Commission and Council to focus on key electricity and infrastructure challenges to deliver a decarbonised, consumer-centric and competitive electricity system in 2030 and beyond
Energy regulators develop guiding principles to evaluate performance of EU electricity smart grids
CEER launches public consultation on 2025 Work Programme
Latest publications
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Beyond the Crisis: Consumer protection and market measures for better functioning markets
Work Areas
Our activities focus on four work areas: customers, electricity, gas and cross-sectoral topics
CEER covers all topics related to the wholesale electricity markets, such as renewable energy support schemes and regulatory frameworks.
CEER addresses issues related to the European gas transmission systems and the EU gas market.
We are dedicated to ensuring consumer protection, security of supply, and the mitigation of energy poverty, while guaranteeing consumer rights.
Cross Sectoral
CEER analyses current and upcoming cross-sectoral challenges and collaboration to drive regulatory market coherence.
ACER-CEER webinar: active consumer participation is key to driving the energy transition: how can it happen?
CEER Annual Conference 2024
Stories of Women Leaders in Energy:
Ms Cristina Pereteatcu
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