EU4Energy Annual Regional Visibility Campaign 2023

EU4Energy campaign on energy efficiency and renewable energy for children

Following the success of the 2022 “Light Bulb” comic book, CEER, on behalf of the EU4Energy Programme, continued the awareness raising campaign on energy efficiency and renewable energy for children in 2023. “Glass Globe” is the second book of the series featuring Ozzy the Hamster that focuses on increasing younger generations’ understanding and knowledge about the importance of using clean energy to safeguard the planet.

The book is available in six languages and was distributed at local schools across the Eastern Partnership countries. Additionally, campaigns featuring Ozzy the Hamster were launched throughout 2023 by EU Neighbours East, targeting and engaging school children via various social media platforms and a dedicated website.

School activities involving workshops on renewable energies with engaging educational materials designed specifically for children were organised in schools in Georgia, Armenia, and Moldova throughout 2023. The school activities will gradually cover all EaP countries in 2024. This approach will ensure that schoolchildren across the region benefit from the campaign, gaining a comprehensive understanding of renewable energy and its importance in mitigating climate change.


Regional Training for High-level Officials of the Energy Sector

In March 2023, CEER, on behalf of the EU4Energy Programme, welcomed high-level energy professionals to Brussels for a capacity-strengthening course that focused on the clean energy transition.

Over the two-day training, energy regulators and policymakers from relevant ministries learned and exchanged views about new challenges in implementing the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package. Participants explored ways to accelerate cooperation within the region, including by promoting the approximation of national legislations of EaP countries with EU requirements.

The training sessions allowed for a detailed analysis of factors influencing public and regulatory policy debate. Participants also discussed how to adapt regulatory frameworks to changes in the sector while maintaining investment certainty.

Conference on Creating a Regional Energy Market in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood – Accelerating the clean energy transition through an interconnected energy market

The regional conference “Creating Energy Market in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood”, organised by CEER, on behalf of the EU4Energy Programme, was held on 19 June 2023, in Vienna, Austria, to facilitate experience-sharing among ministries and energy regulators both from the EU and from Eastern Partnership countries.

The conference brought together decision-makers, regulators, and experts in the energy field to discuss the challenges and opportunities of regional integration against the background of the current energy crisis and lessons learned from the winter of 2022-23. The event allowed participants to exchange views on creating a regional energy market and address the challenges and prospects in the South Caucasus and the implications for the security of supply in the European Union and the Energy Community.

Training on Covering Energy Issues in Media

On 13-14 July, CEER, on behalf of the EU4Energy Programme, welcomed public relations specialists of the energy ministries and national regulatory authorities as well as journalists from the Eastern Partnership countries working on energy-related topics for a two-day training in Batumi, Georgia on Covering Energy Issues in the Media.

The training benefited participants with an enriching training experience, valuable insights into crisis communications, and formulating emergency communication strategies. Topics such as quality of service, support for vulnerable customers and the significance of renewable energy source development have been covered. Attendees practiced their newly acquired technical knowledge through engaging case-study exercises.

Additionally, CEER designed a Guide for Communication Specialists of National Authorities and Journalists in the Energy Sector to promote communication.

Regional Training on Understanding Energy Market for Apparatus of Parliaments of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine

In July 2023, in cooperation with the Energy Community Secretariat, CEER, on behalf of the EU4Energy Programme, organised a two-day Regional Training on Understanding Energy Markets in Batumi, Georgia.

The training aimed to bring together parliament employees from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine to enhance their knowledge of the structured electricity and gas markets within the European Union.

By providing comprehensive insights into energy markets, the training provided participants with the necessary expertise to shape effective energy sector policies.

Autumn Digital EU4Energy Week for Eastern Partnership Universities 2023

CEER, on behalf of the EU4Energy Programme, held the third edition of the Autumn Digital EU4Energy Week for Eastern Partnership Universities in early October 2023.
The event focused on empowering youth and providing them with the insights and contacts that will help them contribute to developing the energy sector in their respective countries.

Students had the opportunity to meet EU4Energy experts from various organisations, such as the Council of European Energy Regulators, the International Energy Agency, the Energy Community Secretariat, and EU4Environment.

Participating students also took a quiz on the topics covered as part of the event. The highest-scoring student from Azerbaijan French University was awarded the opportunity to attend the CEER Training of his choice in Brussels, Belgium.

Regional Training in International Relations and Project Management

On 11-12 October 2023 in Brussels, Belgium. CEER, on behalf of the EU4Energy Programme, organised a capacity building training on International Relations and Project Management for the representatives of Ministries and National Energy Regulatory Authorities from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine

During the training, participants learned about EU Policy and available assistance instruments in the Eastern Partnership countries and explored means to accelerate cooperation within the region.

The training topics covered project management, including tasks such as initiating and planning a project, selection procedures, related IT solutions, and project assessment and monitoring mechanisms.

CEER and Energy Community Secretariat joint regional workshop on self-consumption regulation for Eastern Partnership countries

Within the framework of the EU4Energy Programme – “Promoting the Clean Energy Transition in the Eastern Partnership Countries” – the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), in cooperation with the Energy Community Secretariat (EnCS), has conducted a two-day hybrid regional workshop on Bringing Self-Consumption Regulation of EaP Countries in Line with European Union and Energy Community Requirements on 29-30 November 2023 in Vienna, Austria.

The event brought together employees of energy regulatory authorities, agencies and line ministries from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine. The workshop focused on enhancing participants’ knowledge about EU and Energy Community requirements on self-consumption regulation, as well as contributing to the approximation of the national legislation of the EaP countries with EU and Energy Community requirements.

Download your high-resolution copy of the “Glass Globe” comic book: