With a concerted push towards a well-functioning, competitive, interconnected and flexible energy system that integrates a high share of renewable energy sources and promotes electrification, the electricity sector is undergoing a profound transformation.
Regulators play a central role as enablers of the shift to a low-carbon energy sector, by encouraging investment in renewables, promoting energy system integration, and protecting consumers. CEER supports national energy regulators in pursuing these goals by focusing its work areas on related topics.
The integration of renewable energy sources (RES) is among CEER’s priority areas with its regular analyses of the RES Support or tendering procedures schemes. The Pan-European cost-efficiency benchmark for electricity transmission system operators and the CEER report on the Regulatory frameworks for European energy networks are other highly quoted regular CEER deliverables.
Additionally, CEER collaborates closely with the EU ACER to deliver joint positions in response to European institution requests or public consultations on priority topics such as the promotion of anticipatory investments for the system integration of renewables, grid performance indicators, the offshore strategy or electricity market design.
Our experts
- Christine Materazzi-Wagner, Chair of the Electricity Working Group
- Barry Hussey, Vice Chair of the Electricity Working Group
- Johan Roupe, Vice Chair of the Electricity Working Group
- Michael Sorger, Co-Chair of the Renewables Workstream
- Lucy Cradden, Co-Chair of the Renewable Workstream
- Sven Kaiser, Chair of the Future Policy Workstream
- Franziska Henrich, Co-Chair of the Incentives Regulation and Efficiency Benchmarking Workstream
- Christian Seybold, Co-Chair of the Incentives Regulation and Efficiency Benchmarking Workstream
- Hilde Marit Elverum Kvile, Co-Chair of the Incentives Regulation and Efficiency Benchmarking Workstream
- Riccardo Vailati, Chair of the Infrastructure Workstream
CEER experts are currently focusing on:
- Assessing the status quo of formally supported RES installations and the electricity high market prices impact on RES support schemes;
- Reflecting on electricity market design;
- Analysing European regulatory frameworks;
- Developing transmission system operators (TSOs) cost-efficiency benchmarking;
- Supporting infrastructure and network planning.