
Cross Sectoral
Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks 2024
The CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks 2024 provides an annual overview of regulatory systems for electricity and gas networks at both TSO and DSO levels, including CEER...

TSO Cost Efficiency Benchmark TCB21- Model Specification Gas
The TSO Cost Efficiency Benchmark (TCB21) assesses the cost efficiency of gas and electricity Transmission System Operators (TSOs) across Europe. Initiated by the CEER in 2021 and concluded in 2024, t...

TSO Cost Efficiency Benchmark TCB21- Model Specification Electricity
The TSO Cost Efficiency Benchmark (TCB21) assesses the cost efficiency of gas and electricity Transmission System Operators (TSOs) across Europe. Initiated by the CEER in 2021 and concluded in 2024, t...

CEER Work Programme 2025
The Work Programme 2025 outlines CEER's priorities and key actions for the coming year, aligned with the strategic framework of the Empowering Consumers for the Energy Transition Strategy (2022–2025...

Cross Sectoral
CEER Views on the Draghi Report: Striking the Right Balance for the future of Europe’s Energy Sector
CEER is sharing its assessment of the proposals put forward in the Draghi Report and providing insights into how to shape the future of Europe’s energy sector. We address the crucial challenges of a...

Use of prudential regulation mechanisms to promote effective supplier risk management in the energy sector
The energy crisis has severely impacted energy suppliers due to financial strain and inadequately defined hedging strategies. This situation highlights the need for reliable supplier mechanis...

Impact of high market prices on renewables
This CEER Report aims to provide some insight into how high market prices affected supported RES in Europe. It seeks to determine whether there was the option for supported RES to leave any given supp...

Cross Sectoral
How NRA independence is safeguarded as NRA competences keep expanding
This report investigates how national regulatory authorities (NRAs) maintain their independence within national legal and institutional frameworks as they execute their tasks in the energy field and i...

ACER-CEER 2024 Market Monitoring Report on Energy Retail and Consumer Protection
Active consumer participation is key to driving the energy transition – how can it happen?
The EU’s drive towards carbon neutrality by 2050 requires swift changes. The ACER-CEER 2024 Market Monit...

Beyond the Crisis: Consumer protection and market measures for better functioning markets
This report focuses on the national measures that were implemented across Europe to address the challenges posed by the energy crisis to both consumers and market participants. It provides reflections...
ACER-CEER Paper on Challenges of the Future Electricity System
This ACER-CEER position paper calls on the new European Parliament, Commission and Council to prioritise five key electricity and infrastructure challenges throughout the legislative process in their...
Cross Sectoral
ACER-CEER Guidance Paper on Electricity Transmission and Distribution “Smart-Grid” Performance Indicators
Expanding the capacity of the European electricity system requires not only securing investments but also enhancing the efficiency of infrastructure by deploying smart solutions, which can be faster a...
CEER Paper on Unsupported Renewable Energy Sources
With this briefing, the Renewable Energy Systems Work Stream (RES WS) within the Electricity Working Group (EWG) aims to provide an updated assessment of the status quo of formally supported RES insta...
CEER Paper on DSO Data Exchange Relating to Flexibility and NRAs’ Role
This CEER Paper on DSO data exchange relating to flexibility and NRAs’ role (C23-DS-87-03) provides information on the existing flexibility related data exchange that DSOs are involved with and iden...
Cross Sectoral
ACER-CEER Paper on Anticipatory Investments
Requested by the European Commission as a follow up of the 9th Energy Infrastructure Forum (June 2023), this paper analyses the main barriers to anticipatory investments and provides a set of recommen...
Cross Sectoral
Status review TSO/DSO unbundling – Update on implementation of TSO and DSO Unbundling Provisions & “Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Markets Package” Outlook
This Status Review assesses the status of DSO and TSO unbundling, highlighting new developments since summer 2018 regarding the implementation of the rules introduced by the Clean Energy Package and g...
ACER-CEER Consultancy study on the impact of the measures included in the EU and National Gas Storage Regulations
ACER and CEER commissioned a consultancy (VIS Economic & Energy Consultants) to analyse the measures adopted by Member States to strengthen the use of underground storage facilities in the EU and...
Cross Sectoral
Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks 2023
This report provides a general overview of the regulatory regimes applied in 2023 and the required efficiency developments. It analyses the overall determination of capital costs of CEER Members plus...
The Influence of New LNG Terminals on the Future EU Energy Market
This report looks at the impact of the new LNG terminals on the future EU energy market. It is based on the analysis of the LNG import, storage and regasification existing capacities, the recently com...
Cross Sectoral
What Regulators Stood for in the Second Half of 2023
The paper offers a snapshot of energy regulators’ priorities and focus during the second half of 2023. It points to key trends that emerged during that period. The aim is to provide an overview of o...
CEER Work Programme 2024
To view the background consultation documents, please click here...
EC Decision of 11 November 2003
The European Commission decision establishing the European Regulators' Group for Electricity and Gas (ERGEG) as an advisory body.