5th Eastern Partnership Workshop
In accordance with the Eastern Partnership work program 2012-2013 and 2014-2017, the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) and the European Commission jointly organized five specialized workshops with the energy regulatory bodies from the Eastern Partnership Countries. The 1st workshop took place in Vienna on 30-31 May 2012 to exchange experience on the role, powers and challenges of energy regulatory bodies. The 2nd workshop took place in Tbilisi on 18-19 June 2013 and focused on regulatory tools in support of infrastructure development, interconnection and diversification of supply. The 3rd workshop in London on 27-28 May 2014 dealt with regional electricity markets. The 4th workshop, which took place in Chisinau on 26-27 March 2015 placed its emphasis on the impact of regulatory incentives. These workshops reflect CEER’s contribution to the EaP-objective “approximation of regulatory frameworks”.
The 5th EaP WS toke place on 12 - 13 April 2016 in Vilnius. This year's overall theme was "Data Collection and Data Management as prerequisites for monitoring energy systems".
On the first day of the Workshop participants exchanged views on important role of data management and monitoring activities. All participants agreed that monitoring should be one of the key activities of energy regulators, as it assesses the functioning of the market, shows how energy markets can work more efficiently for the benefit of consumers, supervises the development and implementation of policies, and evaluates compliance issues.
It was stressed that monitoring serves as a reliable basis for most decisions NRAs have to take. It was highlighted that NRAs need access to reliable, complete and concrete information on the market in order to guarantee a well-functioning monitoring system and to be able to draw sustainable and efficient conclusions out of the monitoring activities. Data collection and data management were therefore considered the two key prerequisites for establishing an efficient monitoring system. Participants emphasised that the quality and timeliness as well as the processing of data are therefore crucial for NRAs.
On the second day, a field trip to the Kruonis Pump Storage Power Plant was organised. The results of the discussions will be reported to the Eastern Partnership Platform on Energy Security.