Webinar presenting the Annual Report on the Results of Monitoring the Internal Electricity and Gas Markets
Market Monitoring Report (MMR): ACER and CEER 28th October webinar presenting the key findings of the latest MMR
The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) had a joint webinar on 28 October to present the key findings of their latest Annual Report on the results of monitoring the internal electricity and gas markets (the Market Monitoring Report (MMR)).
This year the MMR comprises three volumes analysing Europe’s energy markets in 2019: the Gas Wholesale Volume the Electricity Wholesale Market Volume and the Retail Markets and Consumer Protection volume, all now published here.
Speakers at our 28 October MMR event included ACER Director Christian Zinglersen, CEER President Annegret Groebel, and European Commission’s Heads of Unit for Energy, Florian Ermacora and for Consumers, Jan Panek.