Past Events

CEER Event
8th Eastern Partnership Workshop
The 8th Workshop of the Eastern Partnership Energy Regulatory Bodies took place on 21-22 May 2019 in Minsk, Belarus.
The theme of the WS was “Digitalisation in the energy sector”....

CEER Event
Workshop on Regulatory Challenges for a Sustainable Gas Sector
The aim of this workshop is to interact with stakeholders on two important regulatory issues that are part of the consultation document and which CEER has been asked to provide a contribution on for t...

CEER Event
CEER-NARUC Energy Digitalisation & Cybersecurity Event
On Tuesday 19 March 2019, the Council for European Energy Regulators (CEER) and the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) hosted an International Forum based around two core...

CEER Event
7th Eastern Partnership Workshop
The theme of this year's WS is Security of supply and solidarity.
Objective of the WS
Security of energy supply and solidarity is not only an integral part of the Energy Union, but also a top conc...

CEER Event
Eastern Partnership Workshop: “Solidarity / Security of supply”, Budapest
Objective of the WS
Security of energy supply and solidarity is not only an integral part of the Energy Union, but also a top concern of Energy Community and Eastern Partnership countries. Energy sup...

CEER Event
CEER 2018 Annual Conference on “CEER’s 3D Strategy: Digitalisation, Decarbonisation & Dynamic Regulation”
CEER is developing its “3D” strategic policy objectives for the three years from 2019 to 2021, in order to help ensure that the energy sector transition works in the interests of all energy consum...

CEER Event
Launch event of the “CEER Future Role of Gas Study”
We welcomed 103 participants at our Future role of gas study launch event. The aim of the workshop was to present the outcome of the study on “Future Role of Gas” commissioned by CEER to consult...

External Event

PEER Regulatory Roundtable on Bundled Products
The inaugural roundtable workshop of the Partnership for the Enforcement of European Rights (PEER): the PEER Regulatory Roundtable on Bundled Products (2 October) is a workshop to discuss the consumer...

CEER Event
6th Eastern Partnership Workshop
The 6th workshop of Eastern Partnership (EaP) energy regulatory bodies took place on 16-17 May 2017 in Kiev, Ukraine. The workshop was co-organised by the European Commission and CEER.
The overall...

CEER Event
2nd CEER-MEDREG Workshop
The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) and Mediterranean Energy Regulators (MEDREG) held a second joint roundtable in St. Julians, Malta on 19 May 2016.
Through this joint workshop, MEDRE...