ERGEG Review of the process for drafting framework guidelines
European Energy Regulators worked, during the interim period before the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) became operational on 3 March 2011, on the development of draft Framework Guidelines. The aim was to accelerate progress once ACER is able to take on its formal responsibility. The European Commission and the European Network for Transmission System Operators (ENTSOs) for electricity and for gas have agreed to work ‘as if’ the 3rd Energy Package were in place. In order to assess the effectiveness of the process European Energy Regulators have applied, and to make recommendations to ACER before it takes on responsibility for the development of framework guidelines, this review has been undertaken to gather the experiences of the interim period and make recommendations. This public document contains a summary of the overall feedback received from regulators, the Commission and stakeholders and the resulting recommendations made to ACER