Guidelines of Good Practice for Flexibility Use at Distribution Level – Consultation Paper
CEER’s Conclusions Paper on ‘The Future Role of DSOs’ committed to carrying out further work on developing a regulatory toolbox for NRAs, as proposed in Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (the Agency) Bridge to 2025 paper. The toolbox is to be a means to establish regulatory guidelines on the DSOs’ role in non-core DSO activities. The extent of DSOs’ involvement in flexibility is one such activity. The purpose of this consultation paper is to explore the use of flexibility services at the distribution level of the electricity network and gather views from respondents on the following key areas: • the DSOs’ role in accessing such services and facilitating an environment for the provision of flexibility; and • the regulatory framework, including tools and principles to facilitate flexibility use at the distribution level. The responses to this paper will be used as input when developing high-level guideline principles for NRAs, (i.e. the regulatory toolbox), to facilitate flexibility use at distribution level, to deliver benefits to consumers.