Regulatory aspects of the integration of wind generation in European electricity markets – A CEER Conclusions Paper
European regulators recognise that, in the face of ambitious renewable energy targets, increasing proportions of wind generation give rise to particular challenges and opportunities for the European electricity market. CEER considers that it is no longer appropriate to consider wind generation in isolation from the rest of the market and that, in addressing the issues associated with the market and network arrangements, it is preferable for wind generation to be integrated into the rest of the market. There are three areas in particular where the integration of wind generation needs to be factored into policy decisions: electricity market arrangements, network arrangements and the development of a supergrid. CEER's recommendations call for a more transparent, cost-reflective and efficient approach that encourages, rather than inhibits, the deployment of wind generation and increased market integration. CEER suggests that many of the issues are considered within the work on EU framework guidelines and network codes.
To view the consultation documents, including the evaluation of responses: please click here