Rafael Gómez-Elvira González


Rafael Gómez-Elvira González

Rafael Gómez was elected Chairman of the NEMO Committee in September 2020.  The NEMO Committee facilitates the cooperation among NEMOs for the efficient and secure design, implementation and operation of single DA&ID coupling.

From October 2017 until September 2020, Rafael was the NEMOs’ Chairman of the TSOs-NEMOs’ DA Joint Steering Committee helping operate and geographically extend the European Single Day-Ahead Coupling.

With more than 25 years of experience in energy regulation, he joined OMIE in 2012 as Director of the Chairman’s Office. Currently, Rafael is Director of Public Affairs and Marketing in the OMI Group. He also worked for the Spanish Energy Regulator (CNE) and CEER.

Rafael is Industrial Engineer, holds a PhD by the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid and a DG Program by IESE Business School.