Update on CEER-EBRD Assignments
In 2017, CEER signed a framework contract with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to provide peer to peer assistance to energy regulators. The framework contract has been extended and runs until April 2021.
CEER, drawing on its extensive pool of experts, completed three assignments in 2018, two more in Q1 2019 and another is expected to be completed by October 2019.
Azerbaijan Phase 1: February 2018
- Diagnostic of the current status of regulatory functions in the energy sector in Azerbaijan
- A team of three experts from Latvia, Holland and Austria presented European and relevant international experiences in establishing a model for national regulation agencies to policy makers in Azerbaijan.
Cyprus: September 2018
- Review of trading and settlement rules for electricity markets in Cyprus
- A team from Ireland and Greece reviewed the Trading and Settlement Rules and conclusions and a way forward were shared with the national regulator and market operator.
Azerbaijan Phase 2: November 2018
- Capacity-building on unbundling and service quality
- A team from Latvia and Ireland presented their experiences and as part of the assignment, developed a roadmap for unbundling to indicate what might be possible to achieve within a reasonable timeframe.
Uzbekistan: February 2019
Two assignments were planned in parallel on Unbundling and Affordability.
- Unbundling: A team from Greece and Austria shared approaches to assist the key stakeholders to identify options for unbundling.
- Affordability: A team from Germany and Austria developed a primer on affordability and the design of mitigation measures for vulnerable consumers’ protection.
Serbia: October 2019
- A team from Estonia and Italy completed the assignment on balancing costs arrangements for renewable energy producers.
- The team undertook desk research and developed case studies that informed recommendations on:
- – Market and regulatory conditions under which RES producers should become balancing responsible parties and
- – How the Serbian authorities may improve the efficiency of balancing arrangements for renewable energy.
- The site visit took place in October 2019.