Washinghton, USA
13.10.2022 - 14.10.2022

15th EU-US Roundtable (by invitation only)

The EU-US Roundtable organised by NARUC and CEER is a well-established platform to exchange views among the USA and Europe regulators. The 15th edition took place on 13-14 October 2022 in Washington after three years of a break due to the pandemic.

The themes of the discussion were around:

  • Grid Resilience & Distributed Energy Resources;
  • Clean Energy;
  • Natural Gas as a Transition Fuel,
  • Electrification & New Technologies; Dynamic regulation; and
  • Cybersecurity.

In addition, the regulator's autonomy was woven throughout these central themes.

This roundtable was a closed event for regulators, but selected external speakers such as the European Commission representative or EPRI expert were invited.

Read the conclusions here.