Energy Retail and Consumer Protection Market Monitoring Report
The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) are holding a webinar to present the main findings and recommendations of the Energy Retail and Consumer Protection Volume of the Market Monitoring Report (MMR) to be published by early November 2021.
The event will focus on:
1. the structure and performance of European retail markets for electricity and gas
2. the trends and developments in 2020, including the impacts of COVID-19 and beyond
3. the report's main conclusions and recommendations
The agenda is available below. Register for the webinar by Friday the 5th of November.
The MMR comprises three volumes analysing Europe's energy markets in 2020: the Gas Wholesale Market Volume, the Electricity Wholesale Market Volume and the Energy Retail and Consumer Protection Volume.
The volumes are released on different dates: the 2020 Gas Wholesale Market Volume was published in summer 2021, while the Electricity Wholesale Market and Energy Retail Market and Consumer Protection Volumes will be published on 5 and 9 November 2021 respectively.
Related event: the ACER-CEER Webinar on the Electricity Wholesale Market Volume will take place on 5 November 2021. You can register and access the agenda here.