Reference: C06-CAP-06-03

Calculation of Available Capacities

On 15 June 2007, ERGEG launched a public consultation on Calculation of Available Capacities: Understanding and Issues – An ERGEG Public Consultation Paper [C06-CAP-06-03]. This public consultation focussed on the understanding of the various aspects of capacity calculation as a previous exercise before determining the need for and the issues to be potentially addressed by guidelines for capacity calculation.

On 12 December 2007, ERGEG published two documents resulting from the public consultation on capacity calculation: (i) An ERGEG Evaluation of Comments Paper, [C06-CAP-06-03.a]; and (ii) An ERGEG Conclusions Paper, [C06-CAP-06-03.b]. Findings from these papers show a general support to ERGEG’s approach to capacity calculation as common basis for developing guidelines. In light of these findings, ERGEG will in 2008 start working on drafting guidelines for good practice in the area of calculating available capacities.