Policy Papers

Cross Sectoral

CEER Review of Current and Future Data Management Models

This document intends to enrich discussions on the organisation of data management in retail energy markets, as raised by the European Commission in the Clean Energy for All Europeans package. The doc...
Cross Sectoral

CEER Position Paper on the Future DSO and TSO Relationship

In this paper, CEER explores how the relationship and regulatory arrangements between DSOs and TSOs may need to evolve to ensure that efficient system solutions (either conventional or new) can be dep...

CEER Position Paper on Renewable Self-Generation

With increasing amounts of small-scale electricity generation (and partial storage) connected at distribution level (particularly rooftop solar and wind), self-generation has the potential to have a s...

CEER Position Paper on Principles for Valuation of Flexibility

This paper seeks to support discussions on CEER’s input to the Energy Union (Winter Package). It is intended to serve as a position paper stating the principles for further valuation of flexibility...

Joint ACER-CEER response to the European Commission’s interim report of the Sector Inquiry on Capacity Mechanisms

Joint ACER-CEER response to the European Commission’s interim report of the Sector Inquiry on Capacity Mechanisms 6 July 2016 This note contains the feedback of the Agency for the Cooperation of...

CEER Statement on the European Commission’s Heating and Cooling Strategy

CEER, as the independent voice of Europe’s energy regulators, welcomes the European Commission’s strategy on heating and cooling and in particular its objective to make the heating and cooling sec...

CEER Position paper on early termination fees

In its Position paper on early termination fees, CEER restates its view that energy suppliers should not charge a termination fee to customers who switch energy supplier. This is because charging a sw...

CEER response to the European Commissions consultation on a new Renewable Energy Directive

This document contains the feedback of the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) to the European Commission’s Public Consultation on a new Renewable Energy Directive (RED) for the period afte...

CEER Response to the European Commission Public Consultation on the Review of Directive 2012-27-EU on Energy Efficiency

CEER response focuses primarily on Articles 9-11 of the Energy Efficiency Directive, which pertain to metering, billing information and cost of access to metering and billing information....

CEER Position paper on well-functioning retail energy markets

This strategic high-level paper presents a forward-looking framework for evaluating the performance of retail energy markets. It considers issues from both the supply and demand side and develops our...

ACER-CEER response to the European Commission’s consultation on risk preparedness in the area of security of electricity supply

CEER and ACER welcome the opportunity to provide comments to the European Commission’s consultation on risk preparedness in the area of security of electricity supply....
Cross Sectoral

Joint ACER-CEER response to the European Commission’s Consultation on a new Energy Market Design

Joint ACER-CEER response to the European Commission’s Consultation on a new Energy Market Design 8 October 2015 CEER and ACER welcome the opportunity to contribute to the European Commission's r...

CEER Response to European Commission Consultation on an EU Strategy for LNG and Gas Storage

This document presents the CEER Response to European Commission Consultation on an EU Strategy for LNG and Gas Storage....

CEER response to the Energy Community consultation on electricity markets

The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) is pleased to contribute to the Energy Community’s thinking on the establishment of an organised market in South East Europe. We welcome the identifi...
Cross Sectoral

CEER Response to European Commission Consultation on EMIR

This document presents CEER response to European Commission consultation on Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on OTC derivatives, central counter...

CEER Statement on Delivering a New Deal for Energy Consumers

CEER is committed to engaging with the EU institutions and stakeholders on concrete ways to deliver a New Deal for energy consumers. We welcome the EU-level focus on retail markets and consumers and t...
Cross Sectoral

CEER Memo on regulatory aspects of energy investment conditions in European countries

This Memo serves as an update to the previous edition in 2014, which provides an informative overview of how National Regulatory Authorities undertake their responsibilities in evaluating and developi...

CEER response to EC Consultation on the Revision of Regulation (EU) No 994/2010 concerning measures to safeguard security of gas supply and repealing Council Directive 2004/67/EC

This document sets out CEER’s response to the European Commission Revision of Regulation (EU) No 994/2010 concerning measures to safeguard security of gas supply and repealing Council Directive 2004...
Cross Sectoral

CEER letter to European Commission on MiFID II and the potential negative impacts on European energy markets and the goals of the 3rd Package

This letter outlines CEER views about the latest developments in the level 2 negotiations for Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II), especially as regards their impact on energy market...

CEER Advice on Customer Data Management for Better Retail Market Functioning

This document (C14-RMF-68-03) presents CEER’s Advice on Customer Data Management for Better Retail Market Functioning (electricity and gas). It outlines five guiding principles to form a basis for a...

CEER Advice on How to Involve and Engage Consumer Organisations in the Regulatory Process

This document (C14-CEM-74-07) examines how best to involve and engage consumer organisations in the regulatory process by drawing up a number of recommendations which should result in a more structure...
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