Policy Papers
CEER input on the Roadmap for an EU Strategy for Methane
This is CEER’s response to the European Commission’s request for feedback on the Roadmap for an EU strategy for methane...
ACER-CEER Position on Revision of the Trans-European Energy Networks Regulation (TEN-E) and Infrastructure Governance
In this paper, ACER and CEER propose specific recommendations in the following three areas: governance of infrastructure development; scope of principles for Projects of Common Interest; and TEN-E pro...
CEER Response to the Commission’s Public Consultation on Procedural Clarification in CACM, EB, FCA and SO Guidelines
CEER response to the European Commission’s public consultation on a planned procedural clarification in the CACM, FCA, EB, SO Guidelines, by way of a Commission Implementing Regulation....
CEER input on the roadmap for an EU strategy for Hydrogen
This is CEER’s response to the European Commission’s request for feedback on the Roadmap for an EU strategy for hydrogen...
CEER response to the EC Public Consultation to establish the priority list of network codes
This is CEER’s response to the European Commission’s request for feedback on the Roadmap for an EU strategy for hydrogen...
CEER Recommendations on Dynamic Price Implementation
This document presents CEER’s recommendations on dynamic price implementation, with a view to transposition into national laws of the provisions in Directive (EU) 2019/944 of 5 June 2019, on common...
CEER response to ESMA’s Consultation Paper on MIFID II review report on position limits and position management
CEER submitted response to the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) Consultation Paper on MiFID II review report on position limits and position management – Draft Technical Advice on we...
CEER Key Positions on the “New Deal for Consumers”, on the Proposed Directive on Better Enforcement and Modernisation of EU Consumer Protection Rules
This response paper gives CEER's views on enhancements of the proposed "Directive on Better Enforcement and Modernisation of EU Consumer Protection Rules", with a particular focus on bundled products,...
The Cybersecurity Act in the Energy Context
This paper is in response to the European Commission’s proposal of 23 September 2017, which includes specific articles on the European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme known as the Cybersecurity A...
CEER Solidarity Guidance Note
This note sets out CEER’s input for the solidarity guidance to be developed by the European Commission as provided in article 13 of the Revised Regulation of 1938/2017....
CEER Review of Current and Future Data Management Models
This document intends to enrich discussions on the organisation of data management in retail energy markets, as raised by the European Commission in the Clean Energy for All Europeans package. The doc...