
Cross Sectoral

ACER-CEER Position on Revision of the Trans-European Energy Networks Regulation (TEN-E) and Infrastructure Governance

In this paper, ACER and CEER propose specific recommendations in the following three areas: governance of infrastructure development; scope of principles for Projects of Common Interest; and TEN-E pro...
Electricity C20-EWG-154-03

CEER Response to the Commission’s Public Consultation on Procedural Clarification in CACM, EB, FCA and SO Guidelines

CEER response to the European Commission’s public consultation on a planned procedural clarification in the CACM, FCA, EB, SO Guidelines, by way of a Commission Implementing Regulation....
Gas GWG-164-03

CEER input on the roadmap for an EU strategy for Hydrogen

This is CEER’s response to the European Commission’s request for feedback on the Roadmap for an EU strategy for hydrogen...
Cross Sectoral C20-CS-58-03

CEER Paper on Cybersecurity in the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package

This document presents how cybersecurity topics have been developed in the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package, going through act by act. This paper also provides information on the status and the...
Cross Sectoral C20-GA-154-04

CEER’s input to an EU Strategy for Smart Sector Integration

This CEER document shares with the public CEER’s 15 May 2020 response to the European Commission’s request for input from all stakeholders and EU citizens on the EU Strategy on Smar...
Cross Sectoral C20-GA-153-06

CEER response to the EC Public Consultation to establish the priority list of network codes

This is CEER’s response to the European Commission’s request for feedback on the Roadmap for an EU strategy for hydrogen...
Cross Sectoral C19-RBM-19-05

National Models of Cooperation among Different Sectoral Regulators in the Context of Consumer Law Enforcement

This CEER document (C19-RBM-19-05) reports on whether cooperation models are put in place between NRAs and relevant entities/organisations in order to better ensure consumer protection, as foreseen in...
Electricity C19-DS-55-04

CEER Paper on Electricity Distribution Tariffs Supporting the Energy Transition

This document presents CEER’s conclusions on electricity distribution network tariffs within today’s electricity system and how they can support expected changes. Besides building upon CEER’s ea...
Electricity C19-EQS-101-03

2nd CEER Report on Power Losses

This report provides an overview of power losses (transmission and distribution) in electrical grids – the levels of losses, how they are defined, calculated and valued across 35 European countries....
Customers C19-IRM-020-03-14

CEER Recommendations on Dynamic Price Implementation

This document presents CEER’s recommendations on dynamic price implementation, with a view to transposition into national laws of the provisions in Directive (EU) 2019/944 of 5 June 2019, on common...
Cross Sectoral C19-IRB-48-03

CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

This CEER report provides an overview of European energy (electricity and gas) network regulatory regimes in 2019, including required efficiency developments, analyses of the costs of capital, and reg...
CEER Work Programme 2020

CEER Work Programme 2020

To view the background consultation documents, please click here...
Cross Sectoral C19-MIT-84-03

CEER response to ESMA’s Consultation Paper on MIFID II review report on position limits and position management

CEER submitted response to the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) Consultation Paper on MiFID II review report on position limits and position management – Draft Technical Advice on we...
Cross Sectoral C19-CS-56-03

Cybersecurity Benchmark

This document provides an overview of the cybersecurity landscape in the CEER Member countries represented in the CEER Cybersecurity Work Stream (CS WS) for the year 2018. The table highlights the mai...
Cross Sectoral C19-DSG-09-03

CEER Conclusions Paper on Dynamic Regulation to Enable Digitalisation of the Energy System

This CEER Conclusions Paper on Dynamic Regulation to Enable Digitalisation of the Energy System presents CEER’s view on the implications of digitalisation for the energy sector and for consumers in...
Customers C19-MRM-99-02

CEER Monitoring Report on the Performance of European Retail Markets in 2018

The main objective of this CEER report on retail energy markets is to provide further analysis on some of the most important aspects of retail markets, allowing a more in-depth and comprehensive under...

The Bridge Beyond 2025 Conclusions Paper

The purpose of this joint ACER-CEER Conclusions Paper is for CEER and the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) to identify priorities for legislative and regulatory ac...