Self-Assessment Status Report 2018 for the Roadmap to 2025 Well-Functioning Retail Energy Markets
This Status Report reviews national regulatory authorities’ (NRAs’) use the framework developed by CEER in its Roadmap to 2025 Well-Functioning Retail Energy Markets. NRAs have used 25 metrics dev...
Cross Sectoral
CEER Engaged to Further Improve Comparability of Continuity Indicators
This CEER note addresses CEER's engagement to further improve comparability of continuity indicators. Such indicators are part of the periodic CEER Benchmarking Reports on the quality of supply across...
Pan-European cost-efficiency benchmark for gas TSOs
Pan-European cost-efficiency benchmark for gas transmission system operators
This is the final report of a CEER project on cost efficiency benchmarking that involves data collection, validation and c...
Pan-European cost-efficiency benchmark for electricity TSOs
This is the final report of a CEER project on cost efficiency benchmarking that involves data collection, validation and calculation of various efficiency indicators. Respecting the confidentiality of...
Implementing Consumer Rights in the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package
This CEER report provides case studies on already-existing national solutions regarding the empowerment of consumer rights in the Directive. The seven case studies address issues that arise throughout...
How to Foster LNG Markets in Europe
The main objective of this report is to identify possible ways to foster the development of LNG market at an EU level to find solutions to both real and anticipated problems. The deliverable focuses o...
Implementing Technology that Benefits Consumers in the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package
This CEER report seeks to contribute to a heightened awareness and understanding of the new provisions adopted in the recast Electricity Directive, with a view to facilitating their implementation and...