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CEER Work Programme 2023
To view the background consultation documents, please click here...
Cross Sectoral
Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks 2022
This document presents the 2022 edition of the CEER report on regulatory frameworks for European energy networks.
This report provides a general overview of the regulatory regimes applied in 2022 and...
Cross Sectoral
Guide for Investing in Renewable Energy in Eastern Partnership Countries
The guide provides detailed information, statistical data and practical steps to help investors understand the renewable energy potential of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukrai...
Cross Sectoral
7th CEER-ECRB Benchmarking Report on the Quality of Electricity and Gas Supply
This flagship report provides in-depth surveys and analyses of the quality of electricity and gas supply across Europe with associated recommendations for good regulatory practices to maintain a good...
Digitalisation as a Driver for Better Retail Market Functioning
Drawing from the CEER’s and the European Consumer Organisation´s (BEUC’s) “2030 Vision for Energy Consumers: LET´S ASPIRE!”, this paper presents CEER’s views on digitalisation challenges f...
Joint Common Principles for Enhanced Consumer Protection this Winter
In a common effort supported and initiated by the European Commission, CEER, BEUC, Eurelectric, Eurogas, EER, EU DSO Entity, E.DSO, GEODE and CEDEC encourage companies, regulators and consumer organis...
Renewal of Joint Common Principles for Enhanced Consumer Protection this Winter
Building on the success of the joint declaration signed in December 2022, CEER, BEUC, Eurelectric, Eurogas, EER, EU DSO Entity, E.DSO, GEODE and CEDEC, renew their commitment to encourage companies, r...
Guidelines of Good Practice on Future-proof Comparison Tools in the Energy Sector
This is the second update of the CEER Guidelines of Good Practice for Future-proof Comparison Tools. This report puts forward a set of 20 updated recommendations on best market practices concerning en...
Cross Sectoral
What Regulators Stood for in the First Half of 2022
This paper reviews the work CEER delivered in the first half of 2022 on topics ranging from customers and retail energy markets to gas and gas decarbonisation, as well as on cross-sectoral issues. CEE...
ACER-CEER reaction to the Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Package
ACER and CEER provide a summary of their views and recommendations on the Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market Package...
Cross Sectoral
CEER report “Dynamic NRAs to Boost Innovation”
This document presents the state of play of Dynamic Regulation from NRAs’ perspective. It highlights the understanding, main developments and approaches of Dynamic Regulation in the energy sector. T...
Cross Sectoral
CEER Paper on Regulatory Sandboxes in Incentive Regulation
This paper seeks to provide clarity and a framework for the different tools (including sandboxes) that energy national regulatory authorities NRAs can use to facilitate innovation in the context of in...
ACER-CEER views on the proposal for a regulation amending the SoS and gas storage Regulations
ACER and CEER views on the proposal for a regulation amending Regulations (EU) 2017/1938 and (EC) n°715/2009 relating to the access to gas storage facilities...
CEER Reflection Paper on Regulation of Long-Term Energy Storage from a Sector-Coupling Perspective: Lessons from gas storage
This document presents CEER’s reflections on the regulation of long-term energy storage from a sector-coupling perspective and the lessons learnt from gas storage. It is intended to serve as a backg...