
Customers C17-RMF-101-04

Report on Smart Technology Development

This report identifies emerging trends, technologies and business models in the energy sector, that may have a significant impact on the functioning of the retail market and assesses the potential nee...
Gas C17-GPT-04-01

CEER Future Role of Gas (FROG) Study

This study was commissioned by CEER and prepared by DNV GL taking into account feedback from stakeholders and CEER members. The information and views set out in this paper are those of the author(s) a...
Cross Sectoral C17-DS-37-05

Conclusions Paper on Incentives Schemes for Regulating Distribution System Operators (DSOs), including for innovation

This CEER Conclusions Paper on Incentives Schemes for Regulating Distribution System Operators (DSOs), including for innovation is the result of a public consultation, a workshop in April 2017 and CEE...
Roadmap to 2025 Well-Functioning Retail Energy Markets
Customers C17-SC-59-04

Roadmap to 2025 Well-Functioning Retail Energy Markets

This paper provides a guide for National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) on how to proceed in the coming years in their path toward achieving well-functioning retail energy markets. It outlines key step...
CEER Work Programme 2018
Cross Sectoral C17-IRB-30-03

CEER Report on Investment Conditions in European Countries

This document presents CEER report on investment conditions 2017 in European countries. High quality regulation is a fundamental requirement for a sound investment climate, which, in itself, is a pre-...
Customers C17-CEM-107-04

Guidelines of Good Practice on Comparison Tools in the New Energy Market Design – Updated Recommendations

In July 2012, the CEER Guidelines of Good Practice (GGP) on Price Comparison Tools presented 14 recommendations for energy price comparison tools which covered the following themes: independence, tran...
Cross Sectoral C17-CS-31-03

The Cybersecurity Act in the Energy Context

This paper is in response to the European Commission’s proposal of 23 September 2017, which includes specific articles on the European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme known as the Cybersecurity A...
Gas C17-LNG-32-03

Removing LNG Barriers on gas markets

The main objective of this report is to identify barriers on LNG markets, regarding the services offered by the terminals and the tariffs applied, and suggest ways to overcome them. The report contain...
Cross Sectoral C17-MMR-83-02

Retail Market Monitoring Report

This document seeks to support the findings of ACER/CEER’s position paper “Energy Regulation: A Bridge to 2025”. Therefore, the report shall deliver an overview on the recent retail markets deve...