ERGEG Customer Information Handbook
In the framework of the opening of residential electricity and natural gas markets for all European countries from 1 July 2007, ERGEG carried out a survey on Pre-Contractual Information (PCI). The mai...
Compatibility of National Legal Conditions concerning Regulatory Competences
This report on the compatibility of electricity regulators' powers identifies the gaps between the reality and the desired set of competencies of regulators and makes recommendations on how to close t...
ERGEG advice on Guidelines for Transmission Tarification – Application of G-charge across the EU
In July 2005, ERGEG gave advice to the European Commission on Transmission Tarification Guidelines. The objective of these guidelines was, as a first step, to harmonise charges paid by generation (G...
ERGEG Guidelines of Good Practice on Electricity Balancing Market Integration
These GGP constitute the ERGEG advice to the European Commission on electricity balancing market integration addressed in the Electricity Directive and in line with the Congestion Management Guideline...
ERGEG Guidelines of Good Practice for Gas Balancing (GGPGB)
The Draft GGP GB were issued for public consultation in 2005. To view the consultation documents, please click here
Since the publication of the GGP-GB, ERGEG has monitored their implementation. To...
Gas Transmission pricing (for Transit)
Here is the final ERGEG report on transmission pricing (for transit) and how it interacts with Entry-Exit systems. After a public consulation process, this report identifies key requirements on how tr...
Gas Balancing: ERGEG Guidelines 2006
The final GGPGB represent ERGEG’s advice to the European Commission on its interpretation of Article 7 of the Gas Regulation. They are applicable from their publication date (15 December 2006) and c...
Third Party Access to LNG terminals
This study on Third Party Access to LNG terminals, conducted by NERA Economic Consulting, provides an input to the European Regulators for Electricity and Gas (ERGEG) for their consideration of future...
Final Guidelines of Good Practice on Information Management and Transparency in Electricity Markets
These GGP seek to establish a consistent approach to the provision of market related information to wholesale market participants - suppliers, generators, energy traders, large customers and demand si...
International Benchmarking and Regulation of European Gas Transmission Utilities
International Benchmarking and Regulation of European Gas Transmission Utilities
This benchmarking report drafted by independent consultants of the Cambridge University reviews possible methods for c...
The Creation of Regional Electricity Markets – An ERGEG Conclusions Paper
The ERGEG Conclusions Paper on the Creation of the Regional Electricity Markets (Electricity Road Map) forms the basis of the launch (on 27 February 2006) of a major EU-wide Electricity Regional Initi...