

Final ERGEG study on congestion management procedures & anti-hoarding mechanisms in the European LNG terminals

This ERGEG study focuses on the current CMPs and anti-hoarding mechanisms in Europe, with a special focus on the need for harmonisation and transparency at the EU level....

Evaluation of comments to Call for Evidence on CEER Vision Paper for a conceptual model for the European gas market

European regulators committed to produce, by the end of 2011, a vision paper on the gas target model. A Call for Evidence on the conceptual model for European gas market was launched on 5 November 201...

GGP on Regulatory Aspects of Smart Metering for Electricity and Gas

The Draft GGP on Regulatory Aspects of Smart Metering for Electricity and Gas were issued for public consultation in summer 2010. To view the consultation documents, please click here...

Amendment of the Guidelines of Good Practice for Gas Storage System Operators (GGPSSO)

In this document, ERGEG presents the final proposals that will be incorporated in the GGPSSO. ERGEG aims with these guidelines for capacity allocation mechanisms (CAM) and congestion management proced...

Monitoring Report 2010 on CAM and CMP on selected gas interconnection points

This report sums up and analyses the outcome of a monitoring exercise carried out by ERGEG in early summer 2010 on capacity allocation mechanisms and congestion management procedures at selected gas i...

Monitoring Report 2010 on the compliance with the Guidelines of Good Practice of Open Season procedures

This report shows the results of the survey, presents the main views of the regulators, operators and stakeholders from OS practical experiences and the most relevant conclusions that can be drawn fro...

Summary and evaluation of comments received on EWI study

This document serves as a summary of stakeholders’ written comments on the EWI study and ERGEG’s view on the feedback received....

Study on estimation of costs due to electricity interruptions and voltage disturbances

Study on estimation of costs due to electricity interruptions and voltage disturbances Report by SINTEF Energi AS. This consultancy report deals with cost estimation studies on electricity interrupti...

CEER Guidelines of Good Practice on Estimation of Costs due to Electricity Interruptions and Voltage Disturbances

These recommendations to national energy regulatory authorities can be applied for cost-estimation studies on customer and society costs due to electricity interruptions and voltage...

Electricity Regulation (EC) 1228/2003 – Compliance Monitoring, 3rd Report 2010

This document presents ERGEG's monitoring of compliance across the EU with Electricity Regulation (EC) No. 1228/2003 and the annexed Congestion Management Guidelines (CM Guidelines). The data collecte...

ERGEG Opinion on the ENTSO-E Pilot Community-wide Ten-year Electricity Network Development Plan

This ERGEG opinion provides views on ENTSO-E's pilot Community-wide Ten-year Electricity Network Development Plan (TYNDP). It is based on the requirements defined by ERGEG in its June 2010 Advice on t...

ERGEG study on congestion management procedures & antihoarding mechanisms in the European LNG terminals

The objective of this study is to put forward a comprehensive overview of the congestion management procedures in European LNG importing countries, taking into account the various constraints which in...
Cross Sectoral

Status Review on the ERGEG Regional Initiatives 2010

The ERGEG Regional Initiatives Status Review (2010) outlines both the progress in the different electricity and gas regions during the past year as well as coherence and convergence across regions. It...

Evaluation of ENTSOG’s European Ten Year Network Development Plan 2010-2019

This document evaluates the European Ten Year Network Development Plan 2010-2019 published by ENTSOG in December 2009.The purpose of this ERGEG document is to elaborate an analysis of the first TYNDP...
Cross Sectoral

Brattle / Skadden Study on Wholesale Energy Trading Licenses in the EU

Disclaimer The study has been carried out for the European Council of Energy Regulators and expresses the opinions of the consultancy having undertaken it. The views have not been adopted or in any w...

Gas hub monitoring report 2010

This monitoring report on regulatory oversight of natural gas hubs presents the findings from monitoring of regulatory oversight mechanisms at selected European natural gas hubs. The aim of this ERGEG...

GGP on Indicators for Retail Market Monitoring for Electricity and Gas

The Draft GGP on Retail Market Monitoring for Electricity and Gas were issued for public consultation in spring 2010. To view the consultation documents, please click here...

Status Review of End-User Price Regulation as of 1 January 2010

This Status Review is a follow-up to ERGEG’s 2007 Position Paper of End-user Energy Price Regulation and ERGEG’s Status Review of End-User Price Regulation as of 1 July 2008. The report provides a...

Status Review of the Implementation of EC Good Practice Guidance for Billing

Following the presentation by the European Commission of its Good Practice Guidance for Billing at the 2nd London Forum in 2009, the Forum asked ERGEG “to provide a short monitoring report at the ne...
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