

Monitoring the implementation of the GGPLNG

In 2009 ERGEG carried out a comprehensive monitoring exercise of its Guidelines of Good Third Party Access Practice for LNG System Operators (GGPLNG). ERGEG’s monitoring exercise therefore covered L...

ERGEG Guidelines on Article 22 (exemptions) – Conclusions

To view the consultation documents, please click here...
Cross Sectoral

Status Review of Sustainable Development in the Energy Sector

This is the first review of sustainable development to be undertaken by CEER. The key objective of the report is to assess the progress that Europe has made in working towards the development of susta...

ERGEG Status Review of End-user Price Regulation as of 1 July 2008

This Status Review is a follow-up to ERGEG’s July 2007 Position Paper on End-user Energy Price Regulation which called for the removal of regulated prices and for Member States to publish (by July 2...

European Regulators’ Experience with Article 22 exemptions of Directive 2003/55/EC

The focus of the document “European Regulators’ Experience with Article 22 exemptions of Directive 2003/55/EC. 2008 Update of ERGEG’s internal survey” was to obtain the necessary data to updat...

2008 Status Review: Capacity Allocation Mechanisms and Congestion Management Procedures for Storage

The ERGEG Status Review of Capacity Allocation Management (CAM) and Congestion Management Procedures (CMP) for Gas Storage found a wide range of different approaches to allocating gas storage capacity...

2008 Market Monitoring: Implementation of the Guidelines of Good Practice for Gas Balancing

This report finds that there are undeniable, significant differences in balancing regimes across Europe and the existing balancing regimes can pose significant barriers for market entry to new entrant...

Status Review of Renewable and Energy Efficiency Support Schemes in the EU

This status report examines the support schemes in place across Europe. It found that fiscal incentives such as tax reductions or exemptions are often used to complement the main support...

4th Benchmarking Report on Electricity Quality of Supply

The 4th Benchmarking Report on the Quality of Electricity Supply provides an in-depth review of continuity of supply, voltage quality and commercial quality. This detailed report analyses data from 27...
Cross Sectoral

ERGEG’s 2008 Status Review of the Liberalisation and Implementation of the Energy Regulatory Framework

The European Energy Regulators have drafted an assessment of the development of the European energy market, based upon information provided by the 27 National Reports. The 2008 ERGEG Status Review sho...
Cross Sectoral

ERGEG 2010 Status Review on the Liberalisation and Implementation of the Regulatory Framework

This 2010 ERGEG Status Review on the Liberalisation and Implementation of the Regulatory Framework draws conclusions primarily from the National Reports of the national energy regulators and from seve...

Status Review on the Design of Security of Gas Supply Schemes and Solidarity Mechanisms

In its Status Review, ERGEG has analysed the need for security of supply-policy measures for gas storage facilities. The Status Review presents the state of play on the implementation of security of s...

Guidelines of Good Practice on Operational Security in Electricity (GGP-OSE)

The Draft GGP-OSE were issued for public consultation in 2008. To view the consultation documents, please click here...

Transposition of Consumer Rights Monitoring Report

Upon a request from the European Commission, European Energy Regulators have conducted a monitoring exercise of the transposition of European Union (EU) energy consumer rights provisions as set out in...
Cross Sectoral

Market Abuse – ERGEG and CESR advice to the European Commission in the context of the Third Energy Package – Response to Question F.20

Following the European Commission’s request for advice, ERGEG and CESR have conducted a public consultation on market abuse issues related to energy trading. The ERGEG and CESR advice addresses the...

Status Review Supplier Switching Process Electricity and Gas markets- Five case studies

This report monitors the transposition of supplier switching Best Practice Propositions (BPPs) in the electricity and gas retail markets. The report is based on five case studies. Five countries where...
Cross Sectoral

ERGEG and CESR fact-finding results on pre- and post-trade transparency and trading oversight

Following the European Commission's request for advice, ERGEG and CESR have conducted a fact-finding exercise on the current situation in the EU Member States with regard to pre- and post-trade transp...

Firmness of nominated transmission capacity

Firmness of transmission capacity rights is important for cross-border trading, market integration and competition development. Given differing approaches to this issue, the European Commission reques...
Cross Sectoral

Guidelines of Good Practice – Functional and Informational Unbundling for DSOs (GGP FIU-DSO)

The Draft GGP FIU-DSO, were issued for public consultation in 2007....
Cross Sectoral

The Green Package – Proposed EU ETS and Renewables Directives: A CEER Position Paper

The CEER shares the EU concerns on climate change and recognises the need to take immediate action in this area. As such, regulators welcome the EU’s “Climate action and renewable energy package...

Guidelines of Good Practice for Third Party Access for LNG System Operators (GGP LNG)

The Draft GGPLNG were issued for public consultation in 2007. To view the consultation documents, please click here...

Strategic Guidelines and Codes: Example related to transparency in natural gas

This is one of the ERGEG examples of their suggested alternative approach to the process for adoption of EU codes and rules as foreseen in the 3rd energy liberalisation package. More detai...

Obstacles to Supplier Switching in the Electricity Retail Market: Guidelines of Good Practice and Status Review

Based on previous ERGEG reports on supplier switching and market organisation and a survey in a majority of the ERGEG Members and Observers, this ERGEG report examines the status of market opening in...

Strategic Guidelines and Codes: Example related to Congestion Management in Electricity

This is one of the ERGEG examples of their suggested alternative approach to the process for adoption of EU codes and rules as foreseen in the 3rd energy liberalisation package....
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